Sep 16, 2008 16:38
So, I could care less that you think I'm an uneducated, immature, ugly, annoying pile of garbage, but when you fucking insult my family, you are truly truly barking up the wrong tree.
To call my mother a loser without even knowing her is just plain ignorant. Yes she got fired from her job, but you know what, she got treated unfairly. And shall we count how many jobs you get fired from a year? I can count at least 3 this year alone. And i wont even get into you thinking my job is worthless and mediocre. YORE A MAID.. Enough said.
Secondly, To insult my father, and say you wished he had died while serving in Iraq is COMPLETELY ignorant and just plain dirty and cruel. Its disgusting that we have your kind living in our country. you know the ones who dont support the men and women over there fighting for what you have.. Freedom, Rights... But that doesnt mean anything to you.. In fact, you think that the US had something to do with the World Trade Center incident. YOu are A fucking MORON.
Thirdly, Calling my brother a " Bastard loser who works at walmart and has not father" is just stupid. Have you looked at your own life. He works shitty jobs so he can fucking PROVIDE FOR HIS FAMILY. you work shitty jobs because thats all you really have to offer. and last time i check your fat ass boyfriend works at best buy, Another Retail business.
As for me expressing my love for my boyfriend and the excitement that we picked out an engagement ring and you having a problem with it: GO FUCK YOURSELF. Just because your fat ass doesnt get any love or attention from your also portly boyfriend doesnt mean you have any right to take it out on me. You are a cold hearted cunt and you really dont deserve happiness. I could also not care any less if you think that Kane will cheat on me or our marriage wont last. At least we arent living through statistics and divorce rates. Get over yourself.
As far as me being uneducated goes.. LICK IT. You didnt even graduate from fucking highschool you moron. And because you know a little about politics, and all the "coooool" bits of info you have gathered from fucking anti war anti american websites doesnt make you fucking smart. You look and sound stupid 99.9% of the time, and when you arent sounding or looking stupid, its because you are sleeping.. shut your fat fucking gob and just leave the country if you are so unhappy with how it is being managed.
You are just another one of the low lives that live in this country expecting things to be handed to you because you THINK you are deserving. You have done shit to contribute to this country. You are a fat slob, and the only thin you contribute to is keeping fast food places up and running. Get on a fucking treadmill you fat obnoxious cow.
and i could hardly see why you are worried about getting your heat turned off. You and your boyfriend resemble polar bears, and Im quite certian you would survive souly on your fat to keep you warm for at least 3 years.
I hope you have a miserable fat filled fucking life. You are and will forever a be a waste of space in this GIANT country.