(This is the Christmas ~*~PRESENTS~*~ post since it looks like I'll be going on hiatus until 1/3. Forward-dated to Christmas day!)
[When Arthur wakes in the morning, he will find a
red scarf, embroidered with the Pendragon crest on one side, next to his pillow.
When Francis and Ahiru wake in the morning, they will find two presents on the table:
black and red gloves for Francis, and
a pink winter hat for Ahiru.
Later, Minnie will be receiving
her requested gloves and also
a pair of hair pins in person.
Since Miles is out of town, Merlin will be sending out Archimedes to deliver
this woolen shirt to him, in hopes of keeping Miles from getting ill again in the cold weather.
Similarly, Ken will be getting a pair of
ear muffs when Archimedes comes a-calling.
Archimedes will also be delivering
a round piece of chocolate that is about a hand width's length and created by yours truly (with the help of Francis), carefully wrapped in tissue to these following people: Asuka, Rise, Sora, Ventus, Prussia, Haku, The 10th Doctor, the 11th Doctor, Apollo, Isa, Phoenix, Hope, and Professah Professor Layton.]
[For now, though, simply have Merlin, smiling cheerfully at the camera at an ungodly hour of the morning]
Good morning, Johto! Keep warm and just enjoy yourselves today! I hope I'll see those still in Violet at the festival later. If anyone needs to contact me, leave a message on my Gear, or look for me at the festival. I'll be helping Minnie and Ahiru with everything and anything, so I might not respond until much, much later in the day.
Happy Yule, everyone! Or rather, Merry Christmas!