Mar 29, 2007 13:56
Hey everyone,
You're probably wondering about the odd title. Well, let me explain.
Tuesday, I had a little accident. A guy friend of ours, we'll call him Mr. Skullhead, was showing us his trapeze swing. I, being an idiot, decided to try it. So, I swung out, and right at the peak of my swing, I lost my grip and fell eight feet breaking my ankle in two places. They called an ambulance, and I took my first trip to the hospital. They doped me up on morphine, and I had surgery Wednesday morning.
I now have a plate and a screw in my leg. I'll be on crutches for the next six to eight weeks. I get my stitches out in two weeks.
So, be thinking about me while you're all having fun in Japan, and I'm laid up on a couch. Have fun, and remember don't ever listen to stupid boys.
broken ankle