(no subject)

Jun 06, 2006 18:57

LJ Interests meme results

  1. biting:
    I'll nip the tip of your nose to make you laugh. I'll nibble your neck to make you shiver. I'll bite to make you moan.
  2. dominique swain:
    I'm a Swain swain. She is THE Lolita.
  3. green tea:
    It's mild. It's healthy. It's...green.
  4. kissing:
    This is where sex starts, and where it ends. It's also great for snuggling.
  5. masochism:
    You ALWAYS hurt the ones you love. At least I do, if they like it.
  6. pdt(public display of tickling):
    Anything worth doing is worth doing in public.
  7. rape:
    This is the fantasy variety, where I and the lady both know it can stop at any time.
  8. sex:
    As Woody Allen said, even bad sex is still pretty good.
  9. tarts:
    And where would sex be without saucy damsels?
  10. writing:
    It's what I'm doing.

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