So my interview came and went on Monday. Overall I felt that it was good, except for one major weakness. Blast Radius is a web-focused company and I didn't have anything on hand in my portfolio that was web based. So leaving from the interview, it has been something that has bothered me up until now. I finished my web portfolio now I'll try and get a domain soon so I have have it up somewhere that is not going to die anytime soon. Aside from that, I have never worked so hard to go after something that I want. It's quite invigorating because I love working to achieve something. That's why I love to program when I get a chance to, because of the challenges. Design has it's own challenges, but it doesn't work me in the way I wish it did. I've been so accustomed in thinking as an interaction designer that it has become natural and bred in me that I rely on my gut instincts to help me decide things. It's become a bit too easy, making things look nice. All it has become is time consuming. I wonder where this will take me if I can nab this Blast Radius job, considering I have grown away from web-development and found it a bit boring at times as well.