(no subject)

Aug 02, 2005 18:17

come on, everybody's doing it...

girl or boy?: girl

do you use moisterizer on your face at night?:umm most of the time

Have you seen the ocean?: yupp
if so, where and when?: all the time, but last Thursday with nikki and meg and monday with connor

do you even like coffee?: yup

If you do, do the baristas at your local starbucks know you by name?: no but i like dunkin better anyway

have you ever seen the movie, thirteen?: nope
are you a lazy ass or do you work?: I work, if you can call it that...6 hours a week :)
do you like to smoke the occasional cigarette?: no
do you like to take the occasional shot of tequila?: nahh

do you help yourself to more than one beer at a party?: nope

have you ever gotten so drunk you can't remember anything?: no and i dont really want to

did you have your first kiss while you were drunk at a party?: no

ever been to san diego?: no

do you wear sunglasses?: yeah

you wear sunglasses inside?: if i feel like it
do you like to make out?: yupp

do you wish on stars?: sometimes


whats your middle name?: Rose

where do you live?: Coventy, RI

do you like it there?: yeah its not so bad

what grade ar you in?: junior at CHS

do you have a job?: borrellis

do you have a lot of friends? somewhat, im more about few close friends though

how many siblings? older brother

who do you live with?: mom, dad, and kyle until he leaves for college :(

whos your favorite band/singer in general?: dispatch!

name some of your favorite songs: hmm...outloud, iris, and right now casey jones for the hell of it

do you get sick a lot?: no

whats your favorite type of candy?: chocolate...like take 5's, m&ms, snickers, whatever give me chocolate and ill be set

have you ever cursed out your mom/dad?: haha um i think i swore at my dad once

have you ever cried in public?: yeah

do you cry a lot?: no

have you had the chickenpox?: yeah

have you had pneumonia?: no

have you ever been to a wedding?: Yeah

if yes were you a flowergirl/rinbearer/bridesmaid etc.?: nope
have you ever been to a funeral?: yeah

if yes did you really know the person that died?: well yeah...thats kinda why i was there

o you like parades?: for like the first 15 minutes then it gets old

have you ever known somebody that died & not cared?: no

about how many hours a day do you spend online?: um.. maybe 3-5

do you have a social life?: lol uhh yeah i'd say so

rate school on a scale of 1-10.: 6

do you like ringpops? pushpops? gummi worms?: ehhh they're okay
do you think punkrock is dying/dead?: nope

if yes, did it die about twenty years ago?: n/a

do you like nuts? (that's peanuts, sick kids): im more of a pecan, walnut or almond kinda person
do you change your profile on AIM at least once a day?: when i feel the need...not that often
how many buddies are on your buddylist?: 189

do you have a diary?: like 7 hah
do you like writing or dread it?: like

what's your dream car?: not really sure

do you know a lot about cars?: nope

whats your expertise/obsession?: i dont have one :(

do you think brad pitt is THAT hot?: he has his moments, but for the most part no. someone should tell him to shower.

is urban outfitters a sellout?: ehh somewhat

coke, pepsi, or neither?: coke

do you like mountain dew?: its alright

what are your thoughts on gay marriage?: pro.

what are your thoughts on abortion?: pro
have you ever been stalked?: yeah

have you ever seduced somebody?: hahahah

if at first you dont succeed, do you brush yourself off and try again?: i try to, i guess
do you like peanut m&ms or regular m&ms better?: peanuts

do you know why the hell eminem named himself after a candy?: his initials

have you ever kissed someone under mistletoe?: no

if yes, was it because you really liked them or because there was mistletoe?: n/a

are you superstitious?: not really
do you pick up pennies if theyre heads up?: haha no

do you write peoplehandwritten letters or emails?: letters

do you prefer to recieve handwritten letters or emails?: handwritten

are you a fan of modern art?: ehh not so much

are you a fan of art at all?: yes
do you actually do your homework?: most of the time
do you copy homework off of other people when you dont do it?: of course haha

do you like answering long surveys such as this?: thats why im doing this one

do u use prepositions at the ends of sentences even tho ur not suposed to?: yeahh sometimes, but i dont mean to

do you want/have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: ehh sometiems but not really.

if no, why not?: cause its more fun being single

do you like country music?: some

what about classical?: ehh if i want to relax ill listen to it
opera?: No

do you love or espise opera?: no opera please.

do you laugh at martha stewart?: yess haha

about how many hours of TV do you watch a day?: .0-4

do you think TV is a drug?: yeah, once i start watching it i cant stop

is the pen sharper than the knife?: knife
do you eat the crust of pizza?: its only the best part

are you a vegitarian/vegan? why/why not?: no cause i like meat hah cause that doesnt sound dirty
do you believe in god?: Yup, i did go to catholic school for 9 years. its kinda drilled into my head

what do you think about osama bin laden?: die bitch die...lmao meg i love you, i have to say the same

what do you think about the FBI and the CIA?: yay

are you lefthanded, righthanded or ambidextrous?: right
do you secretly want to be the opposite sex?: no not at all

do you think girls or boys have it easier?: Boys

do you think girls or boys work harder?: Girls

are you a pessimist?: not usually

are you a worrywart?: yup

do you scare easily?: lmao uhh yeah kinda

whats your favorite movie, and why?: amelie cause i love all the little things she does to help strangers out. idk its an awesome concept
whats your LEAST favorite old saying that you hate?: "whatca thinkin lincoln." answer: how ridiculous you are for saying that...never again please.

do you have a lot of posters or photos on your bedroom walls?: pictures are everywhere
what color are your walls?: multi. needs help fast.

do you have a rug? yup

do you think there is really such things as white lies?: yeah

if yes, do you tell them a lot?: nope i try to stick to the truth. ive been known to sugar coat things though.

do you think honesty is important even when the truth hurts?: yup

are you a dork?: pretty much
do you think being a dork is really a bad thing?: nope

do you have a lucky number and if so what is it?: 3 or 13

do you think you will end up in a nursing home when you are older?: i hope not

if no is it because you'll be in a mental institution instead?: okay i really hope not

do you like rap?: either 50 cent with meg :) or at dances

whats your favorite thing to do on weekends?: hanging out with my friends

do you have (a) best friend(s)?: well meg knows absolutely everything about me so id say shes the closest, but i have a few others who are pretty close too

why are they your best friend(s)?: i can tell her everything and do haha and she listens to it, gives perty good advice and we have fun no matter what we do
have you ever been on a roadtrip?: no but meg claims to be going on one next summer in which i best be going on
how early do you wake up on school days/weekends?: school- 620 weekends 10 or 1030

do you think all boys are pervs?: yeah pretty much haha

do you have high or low self esteem?: umm somewhere in the middle. depends on the day i guess.

do you think therapists actually help ppl or are just in it for the money?: well considering im thinking of being one, im going wiht help people, plus i hear you make shit pay so what now survey? haha

do you think vandalism is fun?: no

should weed be legal?: sure everyone does it anyway

would you move to holland just because of the change in laws?: um no

is the government controlling our minds through tv and advertising?: thats a lil dramatic...
are you patriotic?: yeah

is george bush a good president?: ehhh i dont do politics

why is america so much more violent than cananda:   couldnt tell you.

why is america so damn fat?:Because we dont know how to eat small portions and we eat fast food all the time

do you like the tv show 'friends'?: yeah its not bad

what about 'will and grace'?: yup
do you like any tv at all? if yes whats your favorite show?: yes malcomn in the middle and it used to be american dreams :(
are you lonely?:nope
if yes, do you beat your dick like it owes you money? (chapelles show): haaha
are you a prude?: No

remember that song 'peaches and cream'?: yup

do you like N.E.R.D?: huh?
speaking of nerd, are you one?: nope

do you like slick rick?: again...huh?

Speaking of slick, are you?: pshhh you know it
do you eat cough drops just because they taste good?: hah occassionally

have you ever done any narcotics?: no

if yes, was it fun?:

have you ever done heroin?: no but i hear im like heroine.

are you a heroine?: yes sir
have you ever done coke or crack?: No

weed? speed? n2o? anything?: nope
do you drink?: not really

if yes have you ever been so drunk you threw up everywhere?: no
have you ever secretly wanted a pet elephant?: lmao not until i read this question.

do you have a crush?: maybe sorta :)

if you could make your room any theme at all, what would it be?: idk
is graffiti art or vandalism?: depends where it is
do you prefer to be alone or surrounded by people?: alone

are you shy?: yeah but im getting better

do you get paranoid a lot?: no

whats your favorite scent in the world?: peach

does kelly osbourne have talent?: not really

would you/have you ever gone to ozzfest?: nope

would you/have you ever gone to warped tour?: yesss

have you ever eaten a hotdog with chocolate syrup instead of ketchup?: *gag*

have you ever dressed up as the opposite sex for a day?: i dont think so

have you ever pet a porcupine?: no, i wasnt sure you could pet them
can you say she sells sea shells by the sea shore 10 times fast?: haha uh nope
do you wear skirts/dresses/high heels?: yess i do

do you prefer skirts or pants?: both

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?: psshh like a house load

do you secretly wish you were born in the 70s?: nope
do you have a stash of playboy magazines that you hide from your parents?: lmao oh you know it ;)

have you ever dressed up like Elvis and sang to yourself in the mirror?: hahahha no but i really should

have you ever put a pillow in your shirt n pretended that u were pregnant?: yup...meg, its good to know im not the only one, sumo wrestler works too.

do you/would you dress up your dog?: oh i have cause he loves it and hes cute:)

are you afraid of clowns?: no but i dont find them that funny either
when’s the last time you showered?: this morning.

do you shave?: yesss, i hate not shaving
do you like writing about yourself?: no

do you talk about yourself a lot?: no

o you like salads?: yes.

do you eat out a lot?: yeahh all the time.

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