Jun 19, 2006 02:23
Or so everyone tells me. Ive heard on numerous occasions that college is missable. All along I was here thinking, "College, doesnt sound too appealing." I'm not 100 percent sure that these statements alone are enough for me to reconsider my ideas about college, but maybe the thought of working a minimum wage job for the rest of my life is? So my old band totally got signed onto some Portland indie, and used music that they stole from me to get them signed! To be honest, I am not in the least surprised about the fact, and the fact that I decided to leave the band in the first place supports my case. Either way, it just seems like a douchey sort of thing to do to a "friend". Friend is definitely a term that is loosely thrown around these days. What is a friend? As far as I'm concerned, friends are family, and family is love and trust. I think I have one friend, other than my family that is. Of course, I know people, but to me that doesnt count. Being a friend is something so much more than letting someone borrow a dollar because they forgot their wallet and the McDonalds dollar menu is calling out to them. I definitely dont expect people to agree, especially because most of the people in my life dont. Planning for Russia is good, but the requirements to get into the country rival the budget of the latest Pixar flick. Its going to cost me over a grand just to get all the paperwork to get into the darn place. Ehh, worse things have happened. So my mom is totally not on meth anymore, but she still has a really hard time acting clean. I think she still thinks its socially acceptable to scratch her crotch in front of, well, anyone. And that is just one habit she cant kick herself of. Well, I am gettin a little drowsy now, so night.