But whhhhyyy omg. Just imagine! Lake Tahoe is on the border of CA and Nevada. Adam's family goes there when he's 11 and he hates sports but he thinks skiing might maybe be okay even though he's not sure if he's good at it, and he's still wobbling carefully down the mountain when this little kid whizzes down the mountain in a bright pink suit and goggles and a helmet and crashes into Adam and Adam freaks out because the kid is tiny and like six years old but the kid is only slightly dazes and grinning and says it's okay to fall because the snow is soft. And later at the hotel at night Adam finds a secluded room in the lobby somewhere and there's a piano there and some sheet music, and Adam doesn't play but he has to rehearse for a production he's starring in this spring so he breaks into this hard rock solo from Jesus Christ Superstar and when the last notes are dying off he sees the kid standing the doorway, eyes wide and shocked and worshipful, and he doesn't really know how it happens but this kid just starts following him around everywhere, skiing in circles around him on the slopes and cuddling against him when he's playing cards in the lobby with Neil because Adam is big and soft, and eventually Adam just relents and lets him.
They meet again next year because the Lamberts and the Uries apparently take skiing vacations at the same time every year, and the year after that, and Adam's started looking forward to meeting this bouncy earnest kid who adores him, and Brendon of course loves Tahoe as much for Adam as he does for the ski. And they're both a little weird at school but they kind of love skiing and they have a dream of being good enough to open their own ski school one day which'll be the rockingest ski school ever, somewhere in Europe maybe. And Adam gets over the fact that he likes hanging out with a kid when said kid sits down at the piano at the hotel lobby one day and stuns Adam with a repertoire of basically every song Adam loves ever, and they might only be BFFs for one week out of every year but for that one week they're like brothers.
And when Brendon's 16 and they're curled up in front of the fireplace he tells Adam he thinks he might be gay, and Adam says "Oh," and asks him if he wants to talk, and Brendon doesn't really, but it's easier just knowing that Adam's there. And when he's 18 he shows up on Adam's doorstep one day with a tight smile on his face and looking just a little lost, and Adam opens the door and asks him if he needs a place to stay. He only stays for a few weeks and then Adam's off to Europe touring with his cruise ship and while he's there a friend invites him for a weekend in the Alps and on a whim asks the place they're staying whether they need any employees, and it's only a seasonal job but it pays and the skiing's free and he finds himself inviting Brendon to Europe to teach with him in this gorgeous site called Albion, in France.
It's like a dream come true but Adam knows it could be better, and when his friend Monte tells him they're taking a vacation in Europe Adam begs him to recommend Adam and Brendon to Madonna because if she hires them Adam promises she won't regret it. And miraculously she does, and Adam and Brendon take her out together on private tours of the mountain, beautiful off-piste trails and secluded cliffs where you can hold a note and it will echo through the mountains for an hour, and at the end of the week she gives them an amazing tip and promises to keep their card. After that their name travels by word of mouth, and while they still teach at the crappy hotel ski school they also get booked privately for VIP gigs, celebrities and musicians and congressmen who want to ski in one of the most prestigious ski sites in the world, more secluded for Americans than Jackson Hole or Aspen.
And one day the owner of the ski site, a descendant of European aristocracy who managed to purchase a sizable size of the mountain range and cultivate Albion, hears that all these VIPs frequent his site, yet instead of signing up for lessons from the former Olympic medalists he keeps on staff at his prize five star hotel the Camelot, they're taking lessons from these two nobodies who work for this crappy place down the mountain. His son Arthur, owner and manager of the Camelot hotel, promptly offers Adam and Brendon a job, including permanent rooms at the hotel, use of all hotel facilities, and a very respectable salary. "Our ski instructors are also hosts at the hotel," Arthur explains in an apologetic tone, "kind of like GOs at Club Med, Camelot's biggest competition on the mountain, which means participating in various entertainment events, performing at our shows every night, but of course I wouldn't expect you to do any of that--"
"We'll do it," Brendon says breathlessly, exchanging a look with Adam and seriously they can't believe their luck.
So they take the job, instructing groups and private guests during the day, tearing up the stage at night (in drag more often than not, because that's how they roll in Europe). They don't share rooms but their rooms have adjoining doors that they keep open half the time because it's good to have free access if someone wants to cuddle in the middle of the night. They hang out with the other instructors -- Merlin who instructs the Kid's Club, whom Arthur inexplicably tortures but the kids love him so he can't be fired and Adam loves skiing with him on their days off because somehow the weather's always amazing wherever Merlin goes. Frank and the rest of the snowboarding instruction crew, who are crazy motherfuckers and ski with their shirts off in the freezing snow and are sweet and awesome and just about the coolest people Brendon knows. Gabe, who's the most batshit of them all, and can decide on the spur of the moment to go skiing with just one skin just to see what its like.
And one day, the members of an up and coming American band called Panic! at the Disco, and the winner of American Idol, and a successful comic book artist decide to take a ski/snowboard vacation at the Camelot hotel, and everyone's life changes.
1. I do love how you just couldn't restrict yourself to an only-two-way crossover. *g*
2. I have no idea why this image of tiny bitty Brendon is so amazingly cuddleworthy. Brendon IS tiny bitty, I've been exposed to it for forever! And yet, what I want most of all of this is very!very!wee!Brendon and Adam skiing their way to joy.
3. I suspect Frank is only sweet and awesome to Brendon's eyes -- well, okay, awesome, sure, but THE MAN KICKS PHIS BANDMATES IN THE BALLS just because the moment kind of seems to demand it -- which is all the more reason why him and Gabe on the snow fill me with glee.
4. "No, look, listen --"
Frank was 90% sure the bit Brendon was playing sounded exactly identical to the bit he'd played five minutes ago. If Ray had been there, he'd be able to tell for sure, and then Frank could kill Brendon in peace and feel that extra 20% justified about it. Of course, in reality, Ray probably would have joined in.
A ski resort, Frank had always thought, was the best place to consider theoretical mass murder in. It'd be no problem at all burying the bodies, plus nobody would notice the smell.
"Huh," Adam said, head tilted thoughtfully as if he hadn't just listened to the exact fucking tune for the twentieth time in a row. "You know, that sounds a little more right in the middle part, but I think I liked the beginning better before --"
Maybe Bryar was the one he should be bringing in, Frank thought. Bryar would be an awesome murder accomplice. But Bryar had nearly demolished himself on the snow again last week, and Arthur, who was completely unfairly sure Frank was at fault each and every time (he usually muttered about bets, but Frank was pretty sure he thought Frank had pushed Bryar), wasn't even letting him go near Bryar's room until his bed rest was over.
Brendon played the bit again. It sounded even more the same, except, in some vague indefinable way, there was just a little more Broadway flair to it this time.
Frank loved music. He did. Music was his life, on the snow and off. This was why he had to kill them. It was just one of those things you had to do to make the world a better place.
When he turned to glare at the piano, Brendon had his head laid against Adam's shoulder, one hand still running over the keys, too light to make a sound. Adam had his chin resting on top of Brendon's head, so that Frank could just about see his profile; he looked thoughtful.
They were frankly pretty adorable and they made him kind of want to go over and cuddle up too, except he knew for absolute fact that they were busy psychically combining their energies so they could find a way to infuse that tune with the essence of The Sound of Music. Or something.
It was time to give up. Outside the lounge was Arthur, who had that special glint in his eye that had told Frank first thing in the morning that he was just lying in wait to give Frank some amazingly delightful job to do, but inside the lounge was the reason Arthur was restricting himself to outside, and it had been two hours.
Frank rolled himself off the couch and sat there for a moment, wondering if there was a way he could jump out of a first floor window wearing his snowboard and turn some of the impact into forward momentum. Maybe if he got Bryar to throw him --
"Frank!" Brendon said, and when Frank looked up he was half-turned towards him, face surprised and smile delighted. "I forgot you were over there! Hey, maybe you could help us with --"
First floor window it was. Frank forced himself to smile at the kid, because there wasn't really a way not to, which could be kind of anoting but would be great when it came the time to name murder suspects. "No. Really, really not."
The kid just looked confused, though still happy as anything, but Adam was smirking, the bastard.
Frank went to find his board, muttering to himself all the while. Damned thing was, it'd been three years of the same fucking tune with minute variations and an ever increasing hidden sense of jazz hands, but it really was starting to sound a bit like skiing down a mountain. He wouldn't have thought you could do that without some really big drums and someone really determined on bass.
--- I do realize both Brendon and Adam don't ACTUALLY restrict themselves to show tunes, but I claim artistic liscence and Frank's headache. Why is it 2:48 and what just happened?
1. Hahaha, I totally wasn't planning it, but last year I was sure I was going to write my Arthur/Merlin ski AU and halfway through imagining this one, I suddenly felt bad for leaving the last one behind.
2. very!very!wee!Brendon and Adam skiing their way to joy
It's like you're IN MY MIND ♥
4. POSSIBLY FORTHCOMING I DON'T KNOW. Your commentfic made me crazy excited and all too distracted. I'm not sure what happens next, I just know it starts with: "I can't believe you let Bob throw you out of a fucking window."
5. sabrina_il has decided we should peer pressure you into coming centerwise for the Olamot convention in Passover. I am personally all for that. I haven't looked at the program yet but it's supposed to maybe be interesting and honestly I'll just as happily go for having coffee down the street from the convention, monopolizing all of your time with Bandom talk and whatnot. So this is like, Peer Pressure: Step 1. Consider yourself warned.
IF IT HELPS, I'M MORE THAN A LITTLE SURPRISED EACH AND EVERY TIME. And also sort of delighted this time, since my muse has been well and truly asleep for way too long now and every peep is a good sign. (Oh exam period, of course you'd choose two days before a test to finally come through.)
2. very!very!wee!Brendon and Adam skiing their way to joy
It's like you're IN MY MIND ♥
WRITE IT WRITE IT WRITE IT seriously, I will... half promise to insert a tiny enraged Frank if you do. Quarter promise? Anyway: I wants it, precious.
"I can't believe you let Bob throw you out of a fucking window."
"Especially since he was still on bed rest."
5.a. Yay peer pressure! I've never been peer pressured before, I'm very excited. ...Neither of you smokes, right?
5.b. I couldn't help myself and took a peek at the program, since I've never really looked at Olamot (I assume I've heard of it and forgot). First impression: HAHAHAHA my TA is giving a lecture. I'm... in no way surprised, and yet.
Adam and Brendon are both exasperated at Frank because he should be taking care of himself dammit -- both because he gets sick enough from the cold and his crazy naked snowboarding as it is, and because they love him and kind of fear for his life on a daily basis, and because driving down to the city to visit injured friends at the hospital is time-wasting and annoying as fuck, as they have learned time and time again, case in point the last time Gabe broke three limbs and fractured the fourth deciding he could ski down the Harakiri slope backwards.
Besides, Brendon's totally over his crush on Camelot's medic Jon Walker, so while he used to jump on every opportunity to visit the infirmary with sick kids and injured guests and pulled muscles, he's kind of over that now, and he and Jon are just good friends, and he doesn't need sick people as an excuse to visit him anymore.
Of course, Gabe's take on the whole affair is: "I can't believe you let Bob throw you out of a fucking video without capturing it on tape, you asshole." Mikey would give a shit, except he's too distracted by the fact that his brother has finally, after years of pleading on Mikey's part, agreed to take a vacation in Camelot and learn how to ski.
5.b. Hahaha that is awesome and so not surprising. It would have been criminal had the con not had any Technion representation.
5.b.(2) Dude, tell me about it. That's what scared me away from ICon for many, many years. But I have since met Israeli fangirls in RL, and oddly enough, it works. (We also tend to switch to English when it gets too weird to discuss things in Hebrew. Like, I don't think I've ever heard anyone say קראתי פיק because omg creeeeeeepy.)
I am all for that SPN lecture, btw. If only to see who else shows up.
It might not be surprising that what I've always liked best about bandom was the rampant insanity, so crazy-on-SNOW(-backwards) Frank and Gabe delight me to no end. And oh, man, I forgot about Frank's having been a sickness magnet. I wonder if they ever try to do an intervention.
MEDIC JON. And you know what, I bet Ryan is a painter who comes there less for the ski and more for the artistic ambiance or something (maybe he doesn't even vacation there, just treks in from somewhere nearby), and he sets up his easel and stands out in the cold for hours, painting, and everyone appreciates his commitment to his art but are kind of bewildered that all he ever paints is close ups of snow.
-- This is not me taking over your universe, by the way, it is me amusing myself, because whatever Ryan is doing in any given story, there will always exist a little tiny AU in my head where what he does is BE RIDICULOUS.
Oh my god, is Mikey a ski instructor? Forgetting the fact that the idea of all those limbs on a pair of skis is kind of scary, surely you know he'd be just as insane about it except he wouldn't even be trying for it? (Also, re: bodies not meant for skiing, now I'm imagining both past Sam Winchester and present, hulk!Sam on skis and can't decide who'd look more out of place. Hey, you should make it a four way crossover!)
-- Also, Victoria, who should look just as ridiculous (just like most of her band) but would probably end up making it look like the middle of a photo shoot.
All that said, exams are of course very important which is why I'm sitting here typing this.
5a. I don't judge smokers or anything, you understand (although I've been known to nag them a lot), it's really just that peer pressure+smoking leads to a life of crime. Or so TV told me, once in a more innocent time before 90210 included blow jobs in the school parking lot.
5b. This is true, but this con is apparently completely dominated by my TA (and friends). By which I mean that just from the things I've clicked on he's in three or four spots. WEIRD.
Also, I glimpsed the Hebrew bit before reading the rest and spent a moment wondering how Zvika Pik could possibly come into it.
...And now I kind of want to see who shows up to the SPN lecture too. I somehow manage to love SPN while being mostly afraid of both fandom and show, so that should be... interesting. Maybe you could go and take pictures?
LMAO, Ryan painting close ups of snow is AMAZING. And obviously he'll also write poems about it, using all 47 Eskimo words for snow. Buuut I also like the idea of him and Spencer already being a little bit Panic!-famous, although not as much as they would have been had Brendon been their singer, but still, already on the road to success, which is how they could afford the trip to begin with. AND THEN THEY WILL MEET BRENDON AND FALL IN LOVE.
Mikey is one of the snowboarders! All of MCR snowboard, they're Too Cool for ski. Sam Winchester on skis scares me. Both Sams. I don't know if they actually build skis big enough for his size.
5b. That happened to me too when I reread the comment, and I was the one who WROTE it.
Maybe you could go and take pictures?
Oh hey how about YOU COME WITH ME and we'll TAKE PICTURES TOGETHER or maybe even not at all?
And obviously he'll also write poems about it, using all 47 Eskimo words for snow. Are you sure this is still fanfic? It sounds like something that would happen in real life.
And aw, I've always loved the idea of a Brendon-less PatD somehow, although I guess now they've covered 'what would a band with Ryan as the singer sound like' so there's less AUness about it. Also, if you're going for their current ages, then it would be a Ryan and a Spencer who'd been a band of two for years and years, which makes me want to smish them.
They don't end up taking Brendon away, though, do they? Because that would be wrong. Brendon should not be taken away from Adam! Okay, I'm backing away from this before my head produces an image of a PatD involving Adam.
They won't be taking Brendon away from Adam if Adam goes to LA too :D
Okay have you read the fic where Brendon never auditions for Panic! and goes on his mission trip and is stationed in Chicago and lives in the same apartment building as the boys and slowly as a crisis of faith? Because OMG. lomedet recced it to me last week and basically devoured it over my first two days of skiing and OMG. It's not precisely a Panic!-without Brendon, mainly because they're have problems actually forming the band before they learn he can sing, but it deals with some related issues. (Also omg.)
I'm not in SPN as a fandom either other as an occasional fic, though I do still watch the show. I haven't yet read Wincest -- well, okay, once, but it was an accident and once I realized it was too late so I just scrolled past the incest parts -- and I am carefully taking care not to cross my incest red line with fic reading. Mainly because my last red line used to be RPS, and looked how that turned out once I crossed it.
I do think I've read that! And then I took the risk and dipped into greenet's bandom AU links to try and find the other one (two?) I vaguely remember, but you know what, I've already re-found this and the silly one where Spencer's a rugby star and apparently there's a Bob/Ray winebuyer AU? And it's four AM and I am not getting back into bandom with a test tomorrow. So I'm going to admit defeat here and let you go rec free. For now.
However, I will quote this for appropriateness: Spencer is holding a fat book in one hand almost like he's going to study or something, but Jon knows better. Some students explore different majors in college to find out which one they like best; Spencer explores different majors to find out which one requires the absolute least amount of energy for him to graduate. Comparative Religion is his current course of study. He hasn't cracked a single book all term. Jon admires his work ethic.
And I shall reply to everything else tomorrow, because this is as much sense as I'm able to make at this point. *g* And man, I do hope for you that you're already asleep.
LOL, I click on your links expecting to get Brendonless Panic! AUs, and instead you link me to Frank/Patrick! WTF. Also I have so far managed to resist FOB-centric fics -- YES, STILL -- so I am not going to read that, sorry. Also lol, I keep forgetting that you're technically "not in Bandom" anymore, whatever that means. You are not the first person who has said that to me. I am patiently ignoring that fact.
Believe me, I am so far away from being rec-free it's not even funny. As a matter of fact, the rugby fic was the second next on my to read list! I'm curious how it'll turn out, seeing as I just finished reading another fic by the same author (the Brendon POV one about Brendon's high school years) which was amazing, but I also started reading a different fic of hers a while back (the baby fic) and had to stop in the middle of chapter one because I thought it was so bad. So it could really go either way! Curious is I.
Yeah, no, see, that's what I was saying about having passed the sense making stage. I was *trying* to find those AUs, but then was assaulted by old favorites and intriguing-looking summaries and had to run away empty handed. But one day I shall find those links!
I have no idea how you can be bandoming and not reading FOB. That is not natural. Also, yes, bandom seems to be kind of dead-ish? Or rather, the handful of people in bandom I flisted -- this was very nearly a tragic typo -- way back are mostly off to new pastures, and that's generally how I inaccurately measure fandom. But feel free to ignore it! As stated, squee is always fun, and clearly I still have some left in me.
Also, hey, the second link was Panic, not FOB! And ignipes is awesome.
"Not in bandom", by the way, means that I'm neither walking around randomly grinning because I just thought of something ridiculous involving Spencer Smith, nor randomly AU'ing bandom every possible way on a weekly basis. Regardless of current evidence.
I can't remember if the rugby story was too silly or just silly enough, though sadly I think maybe the first. :/ And huh, I don't actually think I know the author, unless she changed her name.
They meet again next year because the Lamberts and the Uries apparently take skiing vacations at the same time every year, and the year after that, and Adam's started looking forward to meeting this bouncy earnest kid who adores him, and Brendon of course loves Tahoe as much for Adam as he does for the ski. And they're both a little weird at school but they kind of love skiing and they have a dream of being good enough to open their own ski school one day which'll be the rockingest ski school ever, somewhere in Europe maybe. And Adam gets over the fact that he likes hanging out with a kid when said kid sits down at the piano at the hotel lobby one day and stuns Adam with a repertoire of basically every song Adam loves ever, and they might only be BFFs for one week out of every year but for that one week they're like brothers.
And when Brendon's 16 and they're curled up in front of the fireplace he tells Adam he thinks he might be gay, and Adam says "Oh," and asks him if he wants to talk, and Brendon doesn't really, but it's easier just knowing that Adam's there. And when he's 18 he shows up on Adam's doorstep one day with a tight smile on his face and looking just a little lost, and Adam opens the door and asks him if he needs a place to stay. He only stays for a few weeks and then Adam's off to Europe touring with his cruise ship and while he's there a friend invites him for a weekend in the Alps and on a whim asks the place they're staying whether they need any employees, and it's only a seasonal job but it pays and the skiing's free and he finds himself inviting Brendon to Europe to teach with him in this gorgeous site called Albion, in France.
It's like a dream come true but Adam knows it could be better, and when his friend Monte tells him they're taking a vacation in Europe Adam begs him to recommend Adam and Brendon to Madonna because if she hires them Adam promises she won't regret it. And miraculously she does, and Adam and Brendon take her out together on private tours of the mountain, beautiful off-piste trails and secluded cliffs where you can hold a note and it will echo through the mountains for an hour, and at the end of the week she gives them an amazing tip and promises to keep their card. After that their name travels by word of mouth, and while they still teach at the crappy hotel ski school they also get booked privately for VIP gigs, celebrities and musicians and congressmen who want to ski in one of the most prestigious ski sites in the world, more secluded for Americans than Jackson Hole or Aspen.
"We'll do it," Brendon says breathlessly, exchanging a look with Adam and seriously they can't believe their luck.
So they take the job, instructing groups and private guests during the day, tearing up the stage at night (in drag more often than not, because that's how they roll in Europe). They don't share rooms but their rooms have adjoining doors that they keep open half the time because it's good to have free access if someone wants to cuddle in the middle of the night. They hang out with the other instructors -- Merlin who instructs the Kid's Club, whom Arthur inexplicably tortures but the kids love him so he can't be fired and Adam loves skiing with him on their days off because somehow the weather's always amazing wherever Merlin goes. Frank and the rest of the snowboarding instruction crew, who are crazy motherfuckers and ski with their shirts off in the freezing snow and are sweet and awesome and just about the coolest people Brendon knows. Gabe, who's the most batshit of them all, and can decide on the spur of the moment to go skiing with just one skin just to see what its like.
And one day, the members of an up and coming American band called Panic! at the Disco, and the winner of American Idol, and a successful comic book artist decide to take a ski/snowboard vacation at the Camelot hotel, and everyone's life changes.
2. I have no idea why this image of tiny bitty Brendon is so amazingly cuddleworthy. Brendon IS tiny bitty, I've been exposed to it for forever! And yet, what I want most of all of this is very!very!wee!Brendon and Adam skiing their way to joy.
3. I suspect Frank is only sweet and awesome to Brendon's eyes -- well, okay, awesome, sure, but THE MAN KICKS PHIS BANDMATES IN THE BALLS just because the moment kind of seems to demand it -- which is all the more reason why him and Gabe on the snow fill me with glee.
4. "No, look, listen --"
Frank was 90% sure the bit Brendon was playing sounded exactly identical to the bit he'd played five minutes ago. If Ray had been there, he'd be able to tell for sure, and then Frank could kill Brendon in peace and feel that extra 20% justified about it. Of course, in reality, Ray probably would have joined in.
A ski resort, Frank had always thought, was the best place to consider theoretical mass murder in. It'd be no problem at all burying the bodies, plus nobody would notice the smell.
"Huh," Adam said, head tilted thoughtfully as if he hadn't just listened to the exact fucking tune for the twentieth time in a row. "You know, that sounds a little more right in the middle part, but I think I liked the beginning better before --"
Maybe Bryar was the one he should be bringing in, Frank thought. Bryar would be an awesome murder accomplice. But Bryar had nearly demolished himself on the snow again last week, and Arthur, who was completely unfairly sure Frank was at fault each and every time (he usually muttered about bets, but Frank was pretty sure he thought Frank had pushed Bryar), wasn't even letting him go near Bryar's room until his bed rest was over.
Brendon played the bit again. It sounded even more the same, except, in some vague indefinable way, there was just a little more Broadway flair to it this time.
Frank loved music. He did. Music was his life, on the snow and off. This was why he had to kill them. It was just one of those things you had to do to make the world a better place.
When he turned to glare at the piano, Brendon had his head laid against Adam's shoulder, one hand still running over the keys, too light to make a sound. Adam had his chin resting on top of Brendon's head, so that Frank could just about see his profile; he looked thoughtful.
They were frankly pretty adorable and they made him kind of want to go over and cuddle up too, except he knew for absolute fact that they were busy psychically combining their energies so they could find a way to infuse that tune with the essence of The Sound of Music. Or something.
It was time to give up. Outside the lounge was Arthur, who had that special glint in his eye that had told Frank first thing in the morning that he was just lying in wait to give Frank some amazingly delightful job to do, but inside the lounge was the reason Arthur was restricting himself to outside, and it had been two hours.
Frank rolled himself off the couch and sat there for a moment, wondering if there was a way he could jump out of a first floor window wearing his snowboard and turn some of the impact into forward momentum. Maybe if he got Bryar to throw him --
"Frank!" Brendon said, and when Frank looked up he was half-turned towards him, face surprised and smile delighted. "I forgot you were over there! Hey, maybe you could help us with --"
First floor window it was. Frank forced himself to smile at the kid, because there wasn't really a way not to, which could be kind of anoting but would be great when it came the time to name murder suspects. "No. Really, really not."
The kid just looked confused, though still happy as anything, but Adam was smirking, the bastard.
Frank went to find his board, muttering to himself all the while. Damned thing was, it'd been three years of the same fucking tune with minute variations and an ever increasing hidden sense of jazz hands, but it really was starting to sound a bit like skiing down a mountain. He wouldn't have thought you could do that without some really big drums and someone really determined on bass.
--- I do realize both Brendon and Adam don't ACTUALLY restrict themselves to show tunes, but I claim artistic liscence and Frank's headache. Why is it 2:48 and what just happened?
1. Hahaha, I totally wasn't planning it, but last year I was sure I was going to write my Arthur/Merlin ski AU and halfway through imagining this one, I suddenly felt bad for leaving the last one behind.
2. very!very!wee!Brendon and Adam skiing their way to joy
It's like you're IN MY MIND ♥
4. POSSIBLY FORTHCOMING I DON'T KNOW. Your commentfic made me crazy excited and all too distracted. I'm not sure what happens next, I just know it starts with: "I can't believe you let Bob throw you out of a fucking window."
5. sabrina_il has decided we should peer pressure you into coming centerwise for the Olamot convention in Passover. I am personally all for that. I haven't looked at the program yet but it's supposed to maybe be interesting and honestly I'll just as happily go for having coffee down the street from the convention, monopolizing all of your time with Bandom talk and whatnot. So this is like, Peer Pressure: Step 1. Consider yourself warned.
2. very!very!wee!Brendon and Adam skiing their way to joy
It's like you're IN MY MIND ♥
WRITE IT WRITE IT WRITE IT seriously, I will... half promise to insert a tiny enraged Frank if you do. Quarter promise? Anyway: I wants it, precious.
"I can't believe you let Bob throw you out of a fucking window."
"Especially since he was still on bed rest."
5.a. Yay peer pressure! I've never been peer pressured before, I'm very excited. ...Neither of you smokes, right?
5.b. I couldn't help myself and took a peek at the program, since I've never really looked at Olamot (I assume I've heard of it and forgot). First impression: HAHAHAHA my TA is giving a lecture. I'm... in no way surprised, and yet.
Second impression: I still can't wrap my mind around the existance of fannish things in Hebrew. It's weird enough that non-fannish people watch Lost and Heroes; I don't even know what to do with this. (Except maybe say, 'you know, actually I'm pretty sure they're making fun of us. And kind of thinking we smell funny. Not that some of us don't deserve it.')
(On the other hand, how awesome is the idea of an SFF lecture about Yanush Korchak?)
Adam and Brendon are both exasperated at Frank because he should be taking care of himself dammit -- both because he gets sick enough from the cold and his crazy naked snowboarding as it is, and because they love him and kind of fear for his life on a daily basis, and because driving down to the city to visit injured friends at the hospital is time-wasting and annoying as fuck, as they have learned time and time again, case in point the last time Gabe broke three limbs and fractured the fourth deciding he could ski down the Harakiri slope backwards.
Besides, Brendon's totally over his crush on Camelot's medic Jon Walker, so while he used to jump on every opportunity to visit the infirmary with sick kids and injured guests and pulled muscles, he's kind of over that now, and he and Jon are just good friends, and he doesn't need sick people as an excuse to visit him anymore.
Of course, Gabe's take on the whole affair is: "I can't believe you let Bob throw you out of a fucking video without capturing it on tape, you asshole." Mikey would give a shit, except he's too distracted by the fact that his brother has finally, after years of pleading on Mikey's part, agreed to take a vacation in Camelot and learn how to ski.
5.b. Hahaha that is awesome and so not surprising. It would have been criminal had the con not had any Technion representation.
5.b.(2) Dude, tell me about it. That's what scared me away from ICon for many, many years. But I have since met Israeli fangirls in RL, and oddly enough, it works. (We also tend to switch to English when it gets too weird to discuss things in Hebrew. Like, I don't think I've ever heard anyone say קראתי פיק because omg creeeeeeepy.)
I am all for that SPN lecture, btw. If only to see who else shows up.
MEDIC JON. And you know what, I bet Ryan is a painter who comes there less for the ski and more for the artistic ambiance or something (maybe he doesn't even vacation there, just treks in from somewhere nearby), and he sets up his easel and stands out in the cold for hours, painting, and everyone appreciates his commitment to his art but are kind of bewildered that all he ever paints is close ups of snow.
-- This is not me taking over your universe, by the way, it is me amusing myself, because whatever Ryan is doing in any given story, there will always exist a little tiny AU in my head where what he does is BE RIDICULOUS.
Oh my god, is Mikey a ski instructor? Forgetting the fact that the idea of all those limbs on a pair of skis is kind of scary, surely you know he'd be just as insane about it except he wouldn't even be trying for it? (Also, re: bodies not meant for skiing, now I'm imagining both past Sam Winchester and present, hulk!Sam on skis and can't decide who'd look more out of place. Hey, you should make it a four way crossover!)
-- Also, Victoria, who should look just as ridiculous (just like most of her band) but would probably end up making it look like the middle of a photo shoot.
All that said, exams are of course very important which is why I'm sitting here typing this.
5a. I don't judge smokers or anything, you understand (although I've been known to nag them a lot), it's really just that peer pressure+smoking leads to a life of crime. Or so TV told me, once in a more innocent time before 90210 included blow jobs in the school parking lot.
5b. This is true, but this con is apparently completely dominated by my TA (and friends). By which I mean that just from the things I've clicked on he's in three or four spots. WEIRD.
Also, I glimpsed the Hebrew bit before reading the rest and spent a moment wondering how Zvika Pik could possibly come into it.
...And now I kind of want to see who shows up to the SPN lecture too. I somehow manage to love SPN while being mostly afraid of both fandom and show, so that should be... interesting. Maybe you could go and take pictures?
Mikey is one of the snowboarders! All of MCR snowboard, they're Too Cool for ski. Sam Winchester on skis scares me. Both Sams. I don't know if they actually build skis big enough for his size.
5b. That happened to me too when I reread the comment, and I was the one who WROTE it.
Maybe you could go and take pictures?
Oh hey how about YOU COME WITH ME and we'll TAKE PICTURES TOGETHER or maybe even not at all?
And aw, I've always loved the idea of a Brendon-less PatD somehow, although I guess now they've covered 'what would a band with Ryan as the singer sound like' so there's less AUness about it. Also, if you're going for their current ages, then it would be a Ryan and a Spencer who'd been a band of two for years and years, which makes me want to smish them.
They don't end up taking Brendon away, though, do they? Because that would be wrong. Brendon should not be taken away from Adam! Okay, I'm backing away from this before my head produces an image of a PatD involving Adam.
5b. (1) Zvika is of the strong.
(2) But SPN fandom is terrifying! I'm still not over the fact that incest in a genre in fandom.
Okay have you read the fic where Brendon never auditions for Panic! and goes on his mission trip and is stationed in Chicago and lives in the same apartment building as the boys and slowly as a crisis of faith? Because OMG. lomedet recced it to me last week and basically devoured it over my first two days of skiing and OMG. It's not precisely a Panic!-without Brendon, mainly because they're have problems actually forming the band before they learn he can sing, but it deals with some related issues. (Also omg.)
I'm not in SPN as a fandom either other as an occasional fic, though I do still watch the show. I haven't yet read Wincest -- well, okay, once, but it was an accident and once I realized it was too late so I just scrolled past the incest parts -- and I am carefully taking care not to cross my incest red line with fic reading. Mainly because my last red line used to be RPS, and looked how that turned out once I crossed it.
However, I will quote this for appropriateness: Spencer is holding a fat book in one hand almost like he's going to study or something, but Jon knows better. Some students explore different majors in college to find out which one they like best; Spencer explores different majors to find out which one requires the absolute least amount of energy for him to graduate. Comparative Religion is his current course of study. He hasn't cracked a single book all term. Jon admires his work ethic.
And I shall reply to everything else tomorrow, because this is as much sense as I'm able to make at this point. *g* And man, I do hope for you that you're already asleep.
Believe me, I am so far away from being rec-free it's not even funny. As a matter of fact, the rugby fic was the second next on my to read list! I'm curious how it'll turn out, seeing as I just finished reading another fic by the same author (the Brendon POV one about Brendon's high school years) which was amazing, but I also started reading a different fic of hers a while back (the baby fic) and had to stop in the middle of chapter one because I thought it was so bad. So it could really go either way! Curious is I.
Hahahaha sleep. Yes. Totally.
I have no idea how you can be bandoming and not reading FOB. That is not natural. Also, yes, bandom seems to be kind of dead-ish? Or rather, the handful of people in bandom I flisted -- this was very nearly a tragic typo -- way back are mostly off to new pastures, and that's generally how I inaccurately measure fandom. But feel free to ignore it! As stated, squee is always fun, and clearly I still have some left in me.
Also, hey, the second link was Panic, not FOB! And ignipes is awesome.
"Not in bandom", by the way, means that I'm neither walking around randomly grinning because I just thought of something ridiculous involving Spencer Smith, nor randomly AU'ing bandom every possible way on a weekly basis. Regardless of current evidence.
I can't remember if the rugby story was too silly or just silly enough, though sadly I think maybe the first. :/ And huh, I don't actually think I know the author, unless she changed her name.
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