The tooth is subsiding - still squishy, with some headaches, although the gum gap behind it still feels tender.
However, new problems!
I've been feeling a grinding sensation when I turn my head left or right - very soft, not audible to anyone else, like sand or small gravel being rubbed together, and only when it's quiet. I can also feel things grinding together - it's sensation, not pain.
I've been seeing a chiropractor and a physiotherapy masseuse, but it hasn't gotten better - in fact it feels/sounds like it's actually gotten worse.
And in then in the last week I've started having small headaches - literal aches in my head, not throbbing inside my skull or migraines or anything like that, just tightness around the upper and back of the skull.
I did some internet research on things it might be, and found "
neck crepitus" which has all the symptoms bar actual 'pain'.
I'm thinking I should talk to my uncle (my doctor) about it, because it's not pain yet, but I really don't want it to get there, you know? I'm just struggling with all the previous negative results to the medical tests and so forth. After a while you start to doubt they can actually do anything...
It doesn't really help that I've been madly busy this weekend and had no chance to really relax.