Talkmeme - Vietnamese food and cooking

Jan 08, 2016 11:35

Talkmeme Masterpost

everbright_morning asked: One thing you didn't know about Vietnamese cooking before you visited last time.

Frankly, I don't know that I learned anything much foodwise. I already knew it's very heavily vegetable-and-soup based, even in summer, with not so much meat. Meat is the seasoning, not the main course, because vegetables are easier to grow, less intensive, and go with just about everything.

I did discover that too much street food apparently lowers my immune system, and I can develop a (temporary) allergy to shellfish? Itchy palms and sleeplessness. That was an anxious night. (Never google your symptoms.)

It was also a bit annoying, since I spent the rest of the trip not eating anything shellfish-y, and while there's nothing to compare with Australian seafood...still!

I haven't had any problems since I got back - then again, I haven't really noticed any problems that I didn't attribute to something else.

Also: if I'm going to risk myself on street food, I might as well do it with my stepmother and her bestie, because they know the really good places!

foodie, meme, 2016 talkmeme, cooking

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