One 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' related, one general MCU. Both on AO3.
The Right Hand Knows NotSummary: "S.H.I.E.L.D isn’t about heroes saving ordinary people, Gibson - or it shouldn’t be. It’s about protecting Earth from anything and anyone who would attack it - and sometimes from ourselves."
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Maria & Steve, with cameos from Natasha, Barton, Fury, and assorted others.
Notes: ABANDONED WORK - UNFINISHED AND DISCONTINUED. Basically, this was the be the sequel to 'Give A Girl A Moment' but CA:TWS (and IM3) kind of threw all the plotbunnies out of whack. It's not even going to reach the bit where Maria thwarts an assassination attempt against Fury, unfortch. I was kind of looking forward to writing that sequence. Oh well. The bunnies snooze; the bunnies lose.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Hidden In Plain SightSummary: Nobody notices a woman who walks one step behind a man.
Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Maria Hill & Nick Fury
Notes: SPOILERS for CA:TWS. Missing scene and character thoughts from the movie. And this is just the first of many plotbunnies that have arisen from seeing it...