Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Under my 'fanfic' folder, I have a number of subfolders:
-> merlin
--> on hold
-> other
--> on hold
-> stargate
--> on hold
--> discarded
'On hold' generally translates to "not on the current TO DO list and is one step away from discarded."
'Discarded' is code for "I'm never going to get around to this but I don't want to delete the file and whatever I've written in it."
Most of the files in the Stargate->on hold folder are actually discarded. However, since they have anything from 1000 to 20,000 words in them, I can't bring myself to actually label them 'discarded'.
Merlin - Arthur-Gwen Thing-a-thon
Merlin - bits and pieces
Merlin - Black Jewels - Morgana
Merlin - Camelot Fleet finish-a-thon
Merlin - flashfics
Merlin - Four Times Gwen Wasn't On Top
Merlin - Haiti
Merlin - Legends of Camelot - If Thy Heart fail Thee Trust Not In Me
Merlin - merlin-morgana prompts
Merlin - Not Quite The Churl
Merlin - Persephone In Hades
Merlin - prompt battles
Merlin - Seven moments of Gwen Awesomeness
Merlin - Women's Work
Merlin->on hold
Merlin - LAS - challenge 5 - wine and wisdom
Merlin - PerformingAgent AU
Merlin - Them Apples
Merlin - Arthur and the Pendragons
Bingo - AU
Bingo - hurt-comfort
Bingo - kink
Bingo - schmoop
NCIS - bits and pieces
NCIS - regrets
SFA - bingo
SFA - bits and pieces
SFA - flashfic
SFA - Kate Freelander love
SFA - kinkmeme
SFA - Old Threads
SFA - penance AU
SFA - pornbattle
TCP - bits and pieces
TCP - notes
various - 10 character
various - 50 awesome women
various - halfamood
various - pornbattle
Yuletide - NYR
Yuletide - X-Wing Wraiths - Myn&Lara
other->on hold
24 - bits and pieces
Bones - bits and pieces
fandom stockings
FF - the Triceratops Strikes Back
FF - Twenty Weeks
IM - bits and pieces
SFA - Complex Systems
SFA - Not A Tame Lion
SFA - Old Flame By A Dying Fire
Yuletide - treats 2010
yuletide - treats 2009
FF = firefly
IM = iron man
SFA = sanctuary
TCP = tokyo crazy paradise
SGA - bits and pieces
SGA - ficathon walks into a bar
SGA - help haiti - skieswideopen
SGA - kinkmeme2
SGA - prompts
SGA - rivers in egypt
SGA - stuck on you
SGA - The Astonishing Persistence Of Memory
Stargate->on hold
bits and pieces
SG1 - Continuum
SG1 - drabbles
SG1 - Judgement Day
SGA - Hunters
SGA - A Matter of Survival
SGA - Alien
SGA - Alphabet
SGA - Black Jewels
SGA - Black Jewels - the rut
SGA - Black Jewels - Widow's Pique
SGA - Black Jewels team AU
SGA - Bones AU
SGA - Changing Channels
SGA - choc fic
SGA - Crackerrific
SGA - Damsels Undistressed
SGA - Dark Horse
SGA - darkfic
SGA - Differently Inclined
SGA - Dilation
SGA - Disappointing Expectations
SGA - dragons
SGA - Elements
SGA - Elixir
SGA - endings and beginnings
SGA - fanfic100
SGA - ficmas
SGA - fives notes
SGA - flashfics
SGA - flight
SGA - From Waif To Gentleman's Wife
SGA - Gate women
SGA - genfic prompts
SGA - heat
SGA - Heat of the Night
SGA - Heroes Bigboom
SGA - het_idcrack
SGA - In Life's Name AU
SGA - Inauguration
SGA - Jack Built
SGA - kinkmeme - silence
SGA - Leverage
SGA - lgbtfest
SGA - Loyalties
SGA - Marvels
SGA - Mind Wide Open
SGA - Momma Always Said There'd Be Days
SGA - My Brother's Keeper
SGA - Pegasus Ascendant
SGA - Pegasus Reloaded
SGA - Pioneers
SGA - Pranks
SGA - Rarepairings
SGA - Reel SGA challenge
SGA - Rodney-Ronon
SGA - santa madness
SGA - satedan grabass ii
SGA - Sci-Fi Friday And The Fridge Of Doom
SGA - Scroungers OF Atlantis
SGA - Shadow Dance - spies
SGA - She, The Hero
SGA - Shermer II
SGA - slave
SGA - slave-pens
SGA - smooches
SGA - Space Station I
SGA - Teyla-and-Ronon - notes
SGA - The Defeated Remember
SGA - The Wormcon Situation
SGA - These Wings, Taken
SGA - Through A Glass Darkly
SGA - Twilight
SGA - Unaccepted Consort
SGA - vampire slayer
SGA - Wedlock
SGA - Western
SGA - Would You Want Your Brother To Marry One
SG1 - Act of Contrition
SG1 - Alternative Edora
SG1 - Apocalyptic World
SG1 - Avatar
SG1 - bits and pieces
SG1 - Book of Thoth
SG1 - Changing of the Guard
SG1 - Conspiracy
SG1 - crazy stuff
SG1 - Darker Side of Paradise
SG1 - Dead Forgiveness
SG1 - Hero
SG1 - Heroes
SG1 - Hive Mind
SG1 - Honour Bound
SG1 - Influence
SG1 - Into The Fray
SG1 - Jonas stories
SG1 - Love Starts With A Bite
SG1 - minific
SG1 - Misery
SG1 - More Than They Were
SG1 - Musings
SG1 - No Man's Land
SG1 - Once Upon A December
SG1 - One Thousand Days
SG1 - Play it again, Sam
SG1 - Plotbunnies
SG1 - School Hard
SG1 - Seventeen
SG1 - Still Whole
SG1 - Synthesis
SG1 - The unBlooded
SG1 - Tomb Raider
SG1 - Undercurrents
SG1 - Wild Colonial Boy
SG1 - Will to Survive
SG1 - You Go Girl
SGA - Anonymous
SGA - Breaking The Siege
SGA - Five Men...
SGA - Flow State
SGA - Frameworks
SGA - Genficathon
SGA - Halloween
SGA - One Word
SGA - Reverseverse
SGA - Sheppard HC
SGA - Tea for Two
SGA - Toyboys
SGA - zinefic
There's also a folder named (inventively) oldfanfic under which can be found the subfolders: Angel, BSG, firefly harrypotter, JL, SGA, stargate, X-Men.
Anyway, after that very long listing, if you ask me about any file, I will tell you what's in it, or what its story is about.