Jun 22, 2010 10:28
Seen off my network:
Who would win in a deathmatch of John vs. Jennifer over Rodney?
Well, while John and Jennifer were having the biggest bitchslapfest in the history of the Stargate universe (possibly only outdone by Vala vs. Rodney - and that would be prolonged because Vala was feeling playful), Teyla would be seducing Rodney until he was helplessly in her thrall, at which point the winner comes up to claim their 'prize' and then Teyla annihilates them because this is the woman who handed maybe!John a gun because she saw that whether he was John or not!John he'd still have neutralised Phoebus, and who kicks Ronon's ass while blindfolded.
Or else they have a threesome: Teyla/Rodney/[winner]