I answered in
renisanz's LJ before I realised that you have to post this in your own.
Okay, so, here's the deal:
The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request a ficlet of any pairing/character (from one of my usual fandoms). In return, those ten people have to post this in their journals, regardless of their ability level.
Just in case
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She puffs the errant wisp out of her view, frowning a little as the strand trickles back down to hang in her way, interrupting her careful cleaning of the bone.
Her partner paces, his hands on his hips, pushing back his jacket as he waits for her to make a judgement call.
"Means of death was a blow to the parietal bone with a sharp-edged object, wielded with great force."
"Like an axe."
She glances up and the strand of hair drifts down across her face again. "Most likely an axe." She jerks her head to one side, trying to get the wisp of hair out of her face. "Although the shearing force suggests a strong downwards component to the blow - not sideways."
"Bones, this guy was over seven feet. The locals knew him as 'Jim the Gentle Giant' - there's no way someone was standing above him and swinging that axe."
Brennan shrugs. "Then find someone who's eight feet tall?"
He doesn't appreciate her humour this time. "Funny, Bones."
It's her turn to grimace at the joke - or at the wisp of hair falling back down into her eyes.
His hand reaches up to smooth the strand away.
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