I could sign up for
apocalyptothon and
remixredux09, but I'm not going to.
It's partly because I really do need to focus on some original fiction writing, and partly because I never seem to get quite what I want out of the multifandom exchange ficathons. The down-side of being a niche pairing fan for a less-popular character.
Plus, my writing plan for this year goes pretty much like this:
April & May:
sga_genficathon and
team_sga Team AU ficathon, attempts at profic
June, July:
sgabigbang - Astonishing Persistence Of Memory: Part 2 - Present Tense, attempts at profic
August & September: exhaustion from SGA Big Bang, trip to US, attempts at profic
October & November: writing and planning for NaNo, focus on profic
December & January: see if I can't finish the SG1 novel series Honour Bound, which I left at a cliffie back at the end of Part 2.
With small diversions, of course; hopefully to finish A Kingdom Broken, Pegasus Ascendant, and Widow's Pique. Well, we can hope!