Pimpin' like a big pimpin' thing!

Apr 16, 2007 21:24

The Isis Awards are open for voting.

The nominated stories are up for reading and voting on until the 30th April.


The jt_sga_awards are holding a banner-making contest for the awards. Nominations and submissions are due by the 4th May.


I understand the auficathon is welcoming all pairings. Personally, I'd love to see someone (other than me) write a John/Teyla AU. I realise that none of the comms involved are explicitly John/Teyla friendly which is both intimidating and inhibitive, but it would be nice to see someone else buck the trend.

On the other hand, I'm not signing up this year because I already have all the crackerrific fic I can handle and don't need any more, which means I'm asking someone else to do what I'm not and isn't really fair.


And, speaking of crackfic... A new chapter of ' In The Game' will shortly be up. It's getting laundered over at the beta's, and will hopefully be back by the end of the week.

I'm actually a little sad about In The Game. It answers a lot of questions that Wrong Kind Of Guy left hanging, has a strong team-orientation, and is much stronger plotwise and in the way it handles the situation resolution, even if it takes longer to build and isn't quite so angsty. Unfortunately, the pairing works against it: it's unlikely to be fully appreciated, let alone popular.

Oh well. We write on.

promo, show: sga

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