Valentine's Day Ficlet Challenge Results

Feb 15, 2007 06:41

These were all I could manage before Valentine's Day arrived - I'll get to the others later. :)

*hugs f-list*

Title: Third Time Lucky
Pairing: Sheppard/Vala
Requestor: sjhw_tolerance, ubiquitous_girl

Title: Seeing Scarlet
Pairing: Elizabeth/Caldwell
Requestor: ubiquitous_girl
Prompt: red

Title: Remember Zion
Pairing: Teyla/Kate Heightmeyer
Requestor: lilyayl
Prompt: Babylon
Warning: rape situations

Title: Boundaries Marked In Oils
Pairing: Teyla/Lorne
Requestor: verstehen
Prompt: chains of command

Title: Just A Kiss
Pairing: John/Teyla
Requestor: teh_gandu
Prompt: kiss

characters: elizabeth weir, various pairings, characters: evan lorne, pairing: john/teyla, show: sga, teyla/lorne, characters: teyla emmagan, fic, characters: john sheppard

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