Aug 03, 2020 08:24
Melbourne went back into hard lockdown this morning. Too many people thinking Level 3 didn't apply to them, so now it's Level 4: pretty much full lockdown - no going anywhere unelss you have a really good reason (medical, shopping, necessary work, urgent travel).
Meanwhile all the people who were screeching that the (non-conservative party) Premier of Victoria was being a wanky no-fun Lurch (literally used the word) are now yelling at him for 'failing' the state. Murdoch Media is 100% promoting this, having 100% derided him when he shut things down the first time. They've got him coming and going.
Thing is, Dan Andrews the Victorian Premier has been dealing with the crisis with grace and class. He may not have done everything perfectly (and, let's be real, with idiots out there DESPERATE to believe that everything is 'normal' not to mention the encouragement by Murdoch Media and the state conservatives to behave like it's not a problem, it was never going to be even close to perfect) but he's under a lot of pressure and he hasn't broken yet. He has no public support from anyone - not the PM (of the opposite party), not any of his fellow state premiers, not even his own party (who aren't in power anyway, and aren't terribly assuming anyway).
A politician's ass and his talking donkey are a dime a dozen these days, but a statesman in Australian politics? So much harder to find. Frankly, the last few months have proven to me that Dan Andrews is not a mere pollie, but a statesman of the kind we don't see anymore.