This evening, the urge to dry-cough, like a tickle in the back of the throat. I feel like my heart has been having a harder time of it pumping blood, but that might just be psychosomatic. Not having trouble breathing, no exhaustion.
Stressed? Oh, ABSOLUTELY. But then everyone is right now, and my sister points out that I'm going to bed after midnight and waking up at 4am, then rising at 7 and gunning through the day full-bore like I slept a straight eight...
Had the conversation with B2 about not coming here this week, and working out what's happening further on. She was distressed and angry to start with, but we emphasised that this is going to be on a week by week basis as the instructions of the Fed govt change. It may be a moot point if most schools close in a week, or if she decides to take up being an au pair instead, or if I come down with CV-19.
We also had discussions about computers and photo passwords and wills. I don't think we've done Power of Attorney though.