a few links and some thinks

Sep 19, 2018 07:45

Why I’m A Christian And Continue To Suck At Being One

Yes. This.


Do What You’re Good At (Not What You Think You Love)

Look, I love gardening and quilting and cooking, but I'm not particularly good at them. Certainly not standout.

I'm good at problem solving. Which is pretty much what my job pays me to do.


Mark Latham defamation defence not as good as he thought it was.

tl;dr: Australian racist politician tries to swing at a prominent Muslim personality in legal court. It didn't go well. But Latham is an idiot. As in, in the last few years he has literally become incapable of anything approaching rationality.


Not Every Kid-Bond Matures

In capitalism, everything and everyone is a resource in which we place value - including our children. But not all children-as-resources mature into the fully-fledged earning bonds that parents (or our society) would like them to. And this article explains how our society and expectations are making that increasingly hard, and whether there is actually a solution to it.


Finally, not a link, but a thought on abuse, abusers, and the victims/survivors of abuse:Once upon a time, they put a penny coin into a pudding mix. They cooked up the pudding, served it out, and whoever got the penny was 'lucky'.

Abusers are like a pudding, only instead of a penny in the pudding, there's a razor blade.

The thing is, the slices of pudding may be perfectly okay to eat for many other people - possibly even for everyone else; but for the victim, there's a razor blade in their slice. And it doesn't matter how many other people say "but the pudding is perfectly safe, I have consumed the slice and it was delicious" THERE IS STILL A RAZOR BLADE IN THE PUDDING FOR THE VICTIM.

The odds are that I have known abusers. They were probably perfectly nice to me and I probably thought they were lovely people. But here's the thing: I don't have a razor blade in my 'slice' of that abuser. It doesn't mean there isn't cruelty in them, just that I don't get the serving of them with it.

links, thinky thoughts

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