My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat HaulTiedyeguy goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Sniper suit that i use to hide in the bushes next to door with bag on step..
aerobicide gives you 12 white blueberry-flavoured gummy bears.
chickenvoices gives you 4 teal spearmint-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
electricturtle gives you 19 brown tropical-flavoured pieces of taffy.
lizzy_the_spy tricks you! You get an old sock.
psg gives you 1 light blue coconut-flavoured gummy worms.
risiken tricks you! You get a broken balloon.
sainty gives you 13 yellow lime-flavoured wafers.
toraz gives you 1 dark blue lime-flavoured gummies.
tylure tricks you! You get a pen cap.
viciouspixie tricks you! You get a block of wood.Tiedyeguy ends up with 50 pieces of candy, an old sock, a broken balloon, a pen cap, and a block of wood.Another fun meme brought to you by
No real plans to *do* stuff other than watch movies with 2-3 friends at one of said friends in bham.