Mar 31, 2006 03:03
Well it is now 3am and I can't sleep. I was really tired up until something that happened about a half hour ago. Now I must resort to crying myself to sleep even though I should have seen it coming. Jen....I am sure u know whats going on....or can at least figure it out. Same w/u stephie. Thanks you guys for putting up w/me!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!! I am again going to attempt the all men are evil and I don't need them theory. We will see how that goes. moving onward.....
Classes are going ok. The redesign of the tractor is going slow. Last lab I had to redo a part I had already redone which was mildly annoying. Hopefully everything will work out well w/it. Our crane design for another class is going pretty well too. I am gunna be glad when this semester is over and I start my Co-op. YAY ROBOTS!!!! ALL SUMMER!!!! not that I am excited at ALL.....hehe.
Tomorrow/today I get to go down to Lansing/Lapeer (not sure which yet) and Sat we are going to a SWE conference at MSU. I might get to see my best friend since EVER if she isn't sick anymore otherwise I am stuck having the other people getting picked up and I get to head home to Lapeer....yay....NOT. OH well. It should be a lot of fun anyways. Gets me away from the Soo for a while. (aka like 30hrs...). We should have a nice chat in the car on the way down and back though. Gas is 2.75!!!!!! thats SUCKY!!!! I knew i should have filled a while ago. Too late now I guess.
Well I should go try and sleep again. I have been having enough troubles concentrating/staying away/focuses in classes and tonight really isn't gunna help things. Why can't things just work out nice like they always do in the movies......ggrrrrrr