[RL with Chika] - Final Scene!

Oct 19, 2008 22:35

The mayor was still talking, but finally he was saying something interesting - he was introducing Captain Hammer.

"And in just a few minutes," the pompous man said. "We will unveil the statue of the man himself." There was some applause. "Thank you, thank you. Justice has a name, and the name that it has - besides justice - is Captain Hammer. Ladies and gentlemen, your hero."

There was more applause, and Captain Hammer stood to take the podium, after the photo-op.

"Thank you Mr. Mayor for your kind words," he said, then pulled out his cue cards.

"I hate the homeless." He moved to the next card. "--ness problem that plagues our city. Everyone should have the basic--" He paused, set the cards down. "You know, I don't need tiny cue cards," he said firmly. He knew what he wanted to say.

"When I fell deeply in love with my serious, long-term girlfriend Penny - wave your hand, Penny," he said, turning towards his girl. There was more applause, and she waved in that shy way she had. "There she is," he beamed. "Cute, huh? Kindof a quiet, nerdy thing - not my usual, but nice. Anyway, she turned me on to this whole homeless thing, which is terrible, and I realized I'm not the only hero in this room tonight. I'm not the only one who's fighting."

"It may not feel too classy, begging just to eat,
But you know who does that? Lassie!
And she always gets a treat!
So you wonder what your part is, ‘cause you're homeless, and depressed.
But home is where the heart is, so your real home's in your chest!

Everyone's a hero in their own way!
Everyone's got villains they must face!
They're not as cool as mine, but folks you know it's fine to know your pla - ce!

Everyone's a hero in their own way!
In their own not-that-heroic way!

So I thank my girlfriend, Penny!
(Yeah, we totally had sex!)
She showed there're so many different muscles I can flex!
There's the deltoids of compassion, there's the abs of being kind,
It's not enough to bash in heads, you've got to bash in minds!

Everyone's a hero in their own way!
Everyone's got somethin' they can do!
Get up, go out, and fly - especially that guy! He smells like po - o!
Everyone's a hero in their own way!
You, and you, and mostly me! - And you!

I'm poverty's new sheriff. And I'm bashing in the slums.
A hero doesn't care if you're a bunch of scary al - co - holic bums!


Everyone's a hero in their own way!
Everyone can blaze the hero's trail!
Don't worry if it's hard, if you're not a friggin' ‘tard
You will preva - il!
Everyone's a hero in their own way!
Everyone's a hero in thei -"

chika, musical virus, rl

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