Feb 02, 2010 09:43

Open to the creeper crew and the rescue brigade!

Let's not worry about turn order and do it a bit like an event post, with multiple threads, guys, so we can get this done.

Also, I lied. It's not backdated.

kuroro lucifer, stein, kidnapped!, rl, birkin, devit, kill me now, akatsuki chika, jasdero, adachi, krauser

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tiedbydestiny February 2 2010, 17:52:04 UTC
Chika was Pissed Off.

Actually, that was putting it mildly. These creeptastic assholes had kidnapped his partner, made him spend days watching his hand rot off, and doing gods knew what to Shito. They were also directly responsible for his two humiliating encounters with that bastard Toho.

Someone was going to pay, and Chika was going to enjoy taking it out of their hides.

"Let's go," he growled to his companions.

((And I'll be gone all day at work, so feel free to say they get separated from Chika in short order. I want him to be the first one to find Shito anyway, lol.))


nevergiveitback February 2 2010, 18:04:16 UTC
Kuroro wasn't entirely sure about letting Chika come. Not that he gave a shit if he lived or died in the long run, but, he did like the guy. If he did die, things would be less interesting. But he'd already worked out a plan or two for this whole thing.

"Alright-just remember you're not fighting this time around. And if you get into trouble, call for me. You know my hearing is good."
With his usual flair, he tore a hole open in space one handedly, the other holding his book, which he was currently keeping invisible. Once everyone was through, he snapped the hole close-he'd picked a central location of the island facility. He could have gone straight to Shito, but no one else knew that, and he had plots to enact.
"I'm going after Birkin first. I can do quiet-Can you two do loud?"
He shot a glance to the two Noah. He didn't know them well, but he did know they weren't exactly as refined as him.


halfthetroubl February 2 2010, 20:03:06 UTC
"Loud?" Devit snorted and looked at Kuroro like the guy was stupid. "Of course we can do loud. We can do whatever we want!"

As always, he had his revolver in hand and ready, holding it skyward as he glanced around the facility. He wasn't sure who or what they were expected to run into, but there was no doubt in his mind that he and Jasdero could take whatever came their way. He was almost looking forward to it, even! It'd been way too long since they'd kicked some ass.


nevergiveitback February 2 2010, 20:47:47 UTC
"Then as long as whatever you want involves a lot of wanton destruction, I'm leaving things in your hands here."
And with that, Kuroro kicked off the ground with incredible speed, only being a blur. He was actually conserving some speed for now. Going faster than sound inside of a building with corridors and sharp turns was generally a bad idea. Now, if he was Birkin, where would he be... He extended his spiritual energy outwards from his body in a slowly widening sphere, picking up any life it could and-

Ping! That was a strong one. That was either Stein, Krauser, or Wesker. He had no idea how strong any of them were, so he couldn't tell. He couldn't pick up Shito, which meant that no matter who they were, they couldn't be near him. Not that Kuroro was aware, but that ruled out Wesker, but either way, he was faced with a choice. Dive in and use them as a stepping stone to Birkin, or avoid them completely. If it was Stein, then he'd notice Kuroro's En net...So he simply stopped, and tried to judge if the one in his range would react.


knifeinabox February 2 2010, 22:00:16 UTC
Krauser stayed just around the next corner, waiting patiently for whoever was running down the hall to run into him. He tossed his knife up in the air casually, waiting.

He'd given Birkin explicit orders to lock himself in one of the labs and not open it for anyone, even if it was Wesker or Stein or Adachi or who-the-fuck-ever else he knew - not that he really expected Birkin to listen, but that wasn't his problem. Sure, that red-eyed kid was interesting, but this was honestly a little fucking ridiculous.

Hearing Kuroro getting closer, Krauser scoffed, quickly stepped out from behind the corner and slashed out at him, hoping his speed would make him run right into the attack.


nevergiveitback February 2 2010, 22:20:19 UTC
Kuroro's response was nigh instant. Already fully aware of every movement Krauser made in the range of his En, it was a simple matter to step back out of the range of that knife-choosing to make himself appear as if he had barely dodged, he pushed off with both heels, lowering himself to a cat like stance, balanced on his feet and left hand, his right still holding his invisible book open at a particular page.

His large black eyes instantly analysed every motion, the swing, the way the knife was held, the stance he stood in now it was completed. Kuroro was, in combat terms, a counter attack type. Analyse, understand, strike. Completely silently, he stared at his prey, keeping his low, animalistic stance.


knifeinabox February 3 2010, 05:10:05 UTC
Krauser stared down at his opponent. He was a bit shocked Kuroro managed to dodge the attack, but the surprise only stayed on his face for a second. "Tch. Not bad."

He suddenly stabbed his knife downwards, hoping Kuroro wouldn't be able to get off the ground fast enough after dodging so Krauser could kick him in the head and end this damn fight quickly. The sooner he got rid of this guy, the sooner he could deal with the other three.


nevergiveitback February 3 2010, 10:03:29 UTC
Kuroro kept his En up-which meant he reacted to the very first movement Krauser made. And with his speed, he had enough time to straighten his legs and bend his body, back flipping out of range once more.
"If that's how you use a knife, how do you even shave?"

He was getting a handle on Krauser's speed now. It was entirely out matched by his own-unless he pulled something impressive now, he felt he was about ready to end this scuffle. Maybe just by kicking him through a wall.


tiedbydestiny February 3 2010, 05:06:22 UTC
That left Chika with the two freaks, and he eyed them warily. Despite the order not to fight, he'd already strapped a bat onto his rotting hand with a wad of bandages. Hey, he had to be able to defend himself, right? They already knew these assholes were interested in zombies, and they might not mind completing the set.

On the other hand, he was all too aware that he was the least capable of the four of them in battle at the moment, and he had no desire to join Shito in captivity. "So? I'm right behind you, let's go," he prodded the two Noah. "Let's see what you can do."


halfthetroubl February 3 2010, 23:11:49 UTC
Devit smirked to himself as Kuroro left. 'Wanton destruction' was practically Jasdevi's middle name!

At Chika's prodding, he turned to Jasdero and grinned. "Ready to go wild?"


halfthemadness February 3 2010, 23:17:24 UTC
Devit got a wide, slightly manic grin in return, as Jasdero bounced on his heels and pressed the barrel of his gun against his own temple.

“Hee hee, time for rampagin’?”


halfthetroubl February 3 2010, 23:27:23 UTC
"Time for rampaging!" Devit answered just as gleefully. With that, he picked a direction--the one opposite of where Kuroro went--and took off, knowing Jasdero would be beside him and expecting Chika to follow. He didn't have a clue where the hell he was going, but he figured they had to run into something eventually!


det_goofball February 3 2010, 23:48:28 UTC
How he'd gotten dragged into this, Adachi had no goddamn clue. He'd decided that he'd just stay out of everyone else's way and keep his handgun out in case 1) Wesker or someone like that saw him or 2) whoever had invaded saw him.

He was too busy feeling sorry for himself to notice that when he rounded a corner, he was suddenly face to face with three of the intruders.

He stared. "Well. Shit."


tiedbydestiny February 4 2010, 05:41:52 UTC
Chika snarled, glad to be finally confronting one of the bastards at last. He didn't think this was Birkin, based on descriptions, but that didn't really matter.


halfthemadness February 4 2010, 19:18:53 UTC
Jasdero skidded to a stop a few feet from the newcomer and stood still for a long moment, blinking at him. When recognition finally dawned, his jaw dropped open, stretching the strings across his mouth tight.

“Devi Devi, it’s the teeeveee guy!” he cried, pulling on the sleeve of Devit’s jacket.


halfthetroubl February 4 2010, 19:22:58 UTC
Devit blinked and then glared at Adachi. "Hey, yeah! You gave us a bum television, you ass!" Never mind that they probably hadn't hooked it up properly or that there was no signal on their world (not to mention the fact that it was totally not the appropriate time for something like this), Devit pointed at him accusingly. "You owe us another one!"


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