Feb 02, 2010 09:43

Open to the creeper crew and the rescue brigade!

Let's not worry about turn order and do it a bit like an event post, with multiple threads, guys, so we can get this done.

Also, I lied. It's not backdated.

kuroro lucifer, stein, kidnapped!, rl, birkin, devit, kill me now, akatsuki chika, jasdero, adachi, krauser

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Shito's Thread tiedbyfate February 2 2010, 17:43:47 UTC
Shito was curled up in a small cell in the basement of the complex. Stein had given him a couple of blankets before shoving him in and locking the door, but the cells were made for mindless, infected creatures, not boy princes who happened to be undead. There were old blood stains on the walls and the floor, and if Shito had been more susceptible to the cold he would have been shivering.

He waited miserably, wondering if anyone would be able to find him, or care enough to bother. His hand had fallen off hours before, and he kept it tucked in close to his body, hidden in the blankets so the bastard scientists wouldn't notice the phenomenon. So Akatsuki might care, but would he be able to figure out where he was?

And if he did, would he just wind up in the cell next door? He couldn't fight these people without Shito's hand.


/invaaaades visestvita February 2 2010, 20:20:49 UTC
Wesker was less than impressed by recent events. Apparently he only had to turn his back and Birkin would have brought someone or something else to the island. And now, because of their latest guess, the place was being overrun.


Figuring that no doubt the intruders would be in search of that zombie Birkin was so interested in, and mildly curious himself, Wesker decided to kill two birds with one stone and gone down to the basement. He headed straight for Shito's cell and drew up beside it, looking in idly.

"Far more trouble than you're worth, I think," Wesker said coolly.


Oh noes! tiedbyfate February 2 2010, 20:30:24 UTC
Shito heard the voice and looked up, eyeing the man with utter loathing and defiance in his red eyes. Despite the blanket wrapped around him, his chest was visible, along with the ugly stitched Y-shaped cut as if he'd been through an autopsy.

"Who are you?" he demanded, his own voice equally cold, with more than a tinge of anger.


visestvita February 2 2010, 20:57:20 UTC
Wesker had seen that look so many times before, in the eyes of so many people. He'd gotten very good at ignoring it. He removed his sunglasses, folding them and putting them away carefully. It was already dim enough without the extra shade.

"Albert Wesker." He looked more closely. "I'm fairly certain we've spoken at least once before though I'll forgive you if you don't remember. It might have been quite a while ago."


tiedbyfate February 2 2010, 21:01:47 UTC
Shito's gaze was caught by those red eyes when Wesker removed the sunglasses. He blinked in surprise, frowning.

"I know who you are. You're that asshole Birkin's other boyfriend or something," he said carelessly. He didn't care if Wesker got mad right now. Feeling even pain would be better than the fear and general, dull, numb ache he felt right now. A surge of adrenaline would do a lot to dispel the numbness.


visestvita February 2 2010, 22:05:28 UTC
Wesker rolled his eyes. "Inaccurate but I'm not surprised. You people and your gossip."

He moved a little closer to the cell doors, drumming his fingers on the bars. "So. Who are the people coming to get you?" He'd hoped that the surveillance cameras wouldn't ever actually need proper use but they were certainly coming in handy now. While he knew what the intruders looked like, some information about their abilities would be nice.


tiedbyfate February 2 2010, 22:14:14 UTC
"I don't gossip," Shito said irritably. "But how should I know what's true or not about you freaks?"

He sat up, startled at Wesker's next words, momentarily losing control of the blanket. It fell off of his bare shoulders, and momentarily revealed the fact that his right arm ended in a stump, as if sheered off by a butcher's knife, and the stump was a bit white and puckered, decaying.

"Someone's coming to get me?" he blurted, quickly tugging the blanket back up.


visestvita February 2 2010, 22:29:09 UTC
His eyes narrowed. Wesker was fairly certain Birkin hadn't amputated any limbs. Very odd indeed and apparently Shito had been trying to hide that fact.

"It's rude to answer a question with another question," Wesker said flatly. "But yes. Four of them, by the looks of it. Who are they?"


tiedbyfate February 2 2010, 22:32:18 UTC
Four? Shito stared at Wesker for a moment in consternation, his mind whirling. One would definitely be Akatsuki, since he was an idiot and he'd come to get his hand back even if he couldn't fight.

His heart told him that another would be Kuroro, whom he'd accepted as a friend who would come and help him if he needed it.

The other two were a mystery to him. Kuroro could world-hop so they wouldn't need that. Had Akatsuki been idiotic enough to bring in other members of Z-Loan who didn't know about the community?

Outwardly he shrugged. "Not a clue. How do you expect me to know from in here?"


visestvita February 2 2010, 22:41:20 UTC
He hadn't expected much of an answer, Wesker supposed. Generally people always knew of at least one person who'd come to save them. "One has rather spiky, white hair, two are dark-skinned, the fourth is zipping about all over the place."

Wesker shrugged slightly. "But then, if you really have no idea, I'm wasting my time here. I had better go and find Birkin, tell him about that arm of yours."


tiedbyfate February 2 2010, 22:47:26 UTC
Dark-skinned? Shito hid the realization as best he could. Devit had come and brought his freak other half with him? Really?


He would have stubbornly refused to answer, relieved that Wesker was leaving, until he mentioned Birkin. "What about my arm?" he snapped defensively. "Why would you tell him about it?"


visestvita February 2 2010, 23:11:01 UTC
Wesker smirked at the reaction. it was always so easy to get a rise out of people, just as soon as you pressed the right buttons.

"Is there some reason I shouldn't tell him?" he asked, his innocent tone completely undermined by the glint in his eyes. "I'd think it a cause for concern, if bits are just dropping off you."


tiedbyfate February 3 2010, 01:15:43 UTC
"Yes there is!" Shito snapped, his red eyes blazing. "Because he's a lunatic and he'll probably start cutting other parts off of me or something."

He leaned back against the wall, drawing the blanket more closely around himself. He was pretty and delicate, but the anger and his enduring spirit was also obvious in the set of his jaw and the glitter of rage in his eyes.

"Just leave me alone," he snarled. "I hope the people who've come here kill every single one of you. I wouldn't cross the street even to spit on any of your corpses."


visestvita February 3 2010, 19:48:58 UTC
Wesker waited a beat before replying. He'd heard that sort of thing before though this boy was rather more imaginative about it. "If you're so adamant about Birkin, then you had better give me some idea of who these little friends are." His tone had become quite bored by now. "You know something."

Another slight shrug. "Who knows? Perhaps I'll be kind enough to kill them straight off instead of letting Birkin and Stein at them."


tiedbyfate February 3 2010, 20:25:06 UTC
Shito gave Wesker a concerned look, his expression pinched with exhaustion and frightened. "If I tell you who they are, will you help me?"

He got painfully to his feet and approached the bars warily, drawing the blanket tightly around him. He looked pale and desperate. "You said I'm more trouble than I'm worth...but if you hand me over to them, they'll leave. I'm sure they don't want to stay here - they just want me. We can both get what we want."


visestvita February 3 2010, 23:59:44 UTC
Wesker considered for a long moment. The fact that Shito was apparently prepared to trust his word was a small surprise in itself. It could, of course, just as easily be a ploy. Assuming he and the other four had some fighting ability, they certainly outnumbered Wesker and the others - Birkin and Excella were hardly going to pitch in and he had doubts about the Japanese man.

But Shito hardly looked in any shape to fight. "It depends how much you tell me," Wesker said at last. He could easily decide later whether to go along with it anyway.


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