diary of a mad woman pt. 2,

Apr 29, 2007 04:29

so.. after all the absinth, i dodn't see anything strange, or ecpe3rience anything weird, i got pretty drunk, as i am noew, but nothing about it was unusual othwe than absinthe tasted like shit and licorice, and it din't maek me hallucinate at all, thaat i realixzed. maybe i nedded more of it, i dk, i'll look it up.

dan im drunk. i think i wanna go lay down nect to han k and go to ebed,

ive been having absinth+oj and rum all night nolg. i finished off one of the old bottled, and then started on our baacardi o.

im going to bed,
me stephanie and clara have stopped singing karaokee and daning to the songs, so i am going to go to med.l

bye bye people. have a great weekend. fuk chores, they sucj ass, have fun insteaf.

adios, much lvoe, [eace and shit.
bye bye


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