Such Great Heights

Apr 13, 2006 01:04

My pain and suffering is FINALLY OVER!
thank god.

I got into Millennium Highschool. It's a very new school that's inside a business building (3 LARGE floors) but the school has a seperate enterance/staricase/elevator. It accepts about 100 kids per grade... the freshman art major at LaGuardia is bigger than my entire school! lol. I'm really happy with my school. I'm just happy to have this all done with!!!!! I'm sad that i wont know ANYONE at all, i'm the only person out of 35 students from my school that got in...

Sarah, Mitch and Mallorie are all going to different schools. Sarah (the artist/lazy person) has an amazing artistic ability, so duh she's going to LaGuardia for art - she wished i went with her... seperation anxiety? Michelle (the genius) is going to Brooklyn Tech and Mallorie (the good student) is going to a very small school called Leon Goldstien. Most people from my school are going there.... Falysha, Alex G., Elvira, Lucy and other people in my class alone are going there. Christine, who's smart but never hands in work got into Stuy AKA the best school in america... and also has the highest suicide rate... Diana, and some jerks from other talents are going to murrow (diana isn't a jerk) i can't remember everyone... x_X but we're all relieved...

As a little treat Sarsie took me to see a Regina Spektor concert and she was AMAZING! It took about 5 years for her to actually come out on stage... she had two opening acting who each played a million songs (but they were really good) and one act was this girl and she was drunk... but funny... but very drunk. When Regina came one my legs started stiffening and falling asleep because i had been standing for three straight hours... but i did have some killer perogies!! We were at this Polish Bar in Williamsburg, Brooklyn... but it's 100% hipster. Besides the fact that i couldn't walk and the people around me were painfully drunk and falling asleep on me, it was a perfect night! And what made it better was the fact that Sarsie and i skipped school the next day and we watched a documentary about polygamy (having more than one spouse) and all the people in it were mourmons from Utah. Go figure. And we ordered yummy Italian food.

I'm getting major senior-itus... and it's not even my senior year of highschool!
i think it's contagious because maya has been hit bad... she doens't take tests or do HW anymore...

Love you guys!
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