(no subject)

Nov 28, 2005 09:01

The intellectual mind can only comprehend a certain degree of information provided the quality and type of atmospherical surroundings one is presented upon. Suffice to say we can only hold a certain, although agreeable, amount of knowledge without getting abnormally frustrated, paranoid, calmy yet irritably annoyed leading to a build up of agression also leading to an unbalanced obligation to drop the subject, as comparing to the feeling of losing a game due to a forfit, like an "Aw son of a bitch I have to drop the subject, I don't understand it anymore, wtf, this always fucking happens when I get this far.." Appearing to me it seems with the type of environment we're based on we cannot choose how to think, not only is this known it's fucking obvious. Examples are you being isolated in a room while things are going on outside of this room that you're certainly aware of but you cannot contact any source of beings, you cannot make any contact with anyone, you're sitting in this dark fucking room squared off with no way of getting out and the thought of that eating away at the back of your fucked up head like a maggot on it's lunch break getting served rotten flesh. It will make your mind expand into thoughts you never thought possible, you would create assumptions and perceive more because you have nothing else to do, especially being in the room for a long period of time. Imagine being in a society where you were treated as robots, fucking zombies, and you couldn't read any books and everything was set for you, predetermined, destiny was made the moment you became a being on earth. Like, pop, out you go, and destiny fucking comes around the corner sits it's ass right on your face, here here, bring out the fucking cake now, blow out the candles you just made a death date. You'd be a fucking number, a letter in the alphabet. You wouldn't know anything and nothing would bother you because you don't have the slightest of ideas as to what could possibly be better or worse then what you're experiencing at the time, basically leaving your mind closed for information, as in a chase and you're the chaser and you're running faster than your faster could ever of been possible and you can see knowledge ahead as you insanely catch up to it and it slams a big fat enormous locked up think steel door right in your fucking face. As concerned yet disoriented as I am I wonder what the indifferent complacent ones think about this type of situation, if it causes them anxiety, if they alienate themselves purposely because they know that that kind of power could lead to something so strange. Normally I think about these things and once I start to get confused or basically aggrivated knowing I am not getting anywhere with the topic, I talk aloud and frantically think hard about it, till I catch myself walking in cirlces pacing my floor, or I ask what other people's opinions and perspectives are to keep my mind from my own opinions or just shut off the problem in my head which usually turns into a bad mood.
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