Weight loss eh

Jan 27, 2011 14:31

I'm eavesdropping on some girls at work who are planning on going on diet pills to lose weight. Some of them aren't even that fat, but why? Who actually resorts to diet pills in this day and age?

Someone I know had a stomach band inserted recently. Honestly, I don't think it's a cop out, I think it's just insane. Somebody who chooses that option is harming themselves so much it's fucking surgery for crying out loud.

And the excuse that it's not easy to exercise at that weight doesn't sit with me either. Change your eating habits. Seriously. You'll lose weight and find the concept of exercise easier to stomach.

I've been working hard on fixing a weight problem myself. I literally gained 22 kgs in the space of 14 months. I have stopped dead in my tracks for all the snacks the 'one won't hurt''s and going to the gym and working out every morning before work. It sucks, I would rather stay up late eating pizza than waking up to the gym somedays but I push through it and go. I'm happier because I am. Infact I feel so much better after the gym at work than when I did get my sleep in.

And if these girls at work do jack shit and lose shitloads of weight without changing their diet, without exercising or through mutilation of their internal organs there is no word for it except insulted. I would feel fucking insulted. So I'm going to be happy in the long run anyway cuz I obviously will be the one who keeps it off. Fuck.

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