Jun 18, 2004 13:17
Man I annoy myself. Well anyway, Krishna came last night and it was GREAT! It was a bit cold so I put him in the garden shed with two blankets and my jumper. So this morning he was still in there sleeping and I was like "Yay Krishna loves his new house" but then he came out and he was limping, so I was like what the fuck... So I walked into the garden shed and directly over where he sleeps is the BIGGEST spider nest I have ever seen. No wonder he is sleepy and sore. Anyway I am keeping his fluids up... He hasn't died yet so he's not going to. Anyway, that really fucking irritated me. The shed should have been sprayed, damnfuckit. I don't like my baby getting bitten by spiders.
These men I live with are teasing me. Me and my big mouth when I'm drunk. I told them who I decided I was going to marry and now they are being all 'told you so' and bothersome.