Hadn't posted in a long long time as someone was kind enough to point out, so I figured I'd ammend that. Its been nearly 5 months since my last entry. Well since then my summer ended and work picked up alot. Things have only just started to slow up now; I haven't had a day off in ages aside from the holidays. Basically that just means that my life has been really really boring for those 5 months. Work all week, relax after work a little, and on the weekends I've spent most of my time at NJIT.
In any case, nothing really eventful has happened lately. Just the same old things day in day out. I'm actually suprised anyone noticed that I had stopped posting in here (its not exactly the most exciting LJ around ;) ) Then again... it did take 5 months after all. Here's a quiz til I find something worth posting about:
You are an enzyme. You are powerful, dark,
variable, and can change many things at your
whim...even when they're not supposed to be
changed. Bad you. You can be dangerous or
wonderful; it's your choice.
Which Biological Molecule Are You? brought to you by