my revenge against retarded teenage boys

Jul 22, 2009 15:16

My my how narrow our thoughts were, when we were teenagers. I hit the gym at a usual time on wednesdays. I do a combo of treadmill and some weights- usually 10lbs and do arm things. there are always these two teenage boys in there lifting weights. They stick out for several reasons- they are usually wearing jeans or khaki shorts...which makes them look like complete tools, and they act like tools, and they have terrible form.
So today i strayed from my ordinary routine because i'm breaking in a new pair of running shoes, which i'm extremely excited about!! So i did machines, freeweights, and walked a mile on the treadmill. While i was on the treadmill, they began dicking around with the 8 and 10lb weights like they were super heavy and made obscene grunting sounds. I wanted to lecture them about their ignorance and the fact that their form was terrible and even though they were curling 20lb dumbells, i was getting more of a workout with my 10lbs because my spine wasn't swinging like a sheet on a clothesline and taking all the work...then i realized, they probably don't KNOW what a clothesline is...or proper form...and the raging testosterone levels in their blood probably would turn off their attention spans the moment i opened my mouth. Sooo....
I proceeded to work out longer than usual (partly due to a downpour), and hogged the mirror with my 10lb weights. In my periphery, i could see their lil beady eyes staring at me like i was made of gold. Every time i turned in their direction/walked past, i could see them doing the 'im not looking at you but i am watchign every move' head turn.
Take that you skinny shallow boys! I will defeat you with my awesomeness!
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