Where is the Love?

Feb 19, 2010 15:37

Let me start this by saying I'm a Christian and a conservative independent.  I was raised in the church by Republican parents, and so my views lean towards the conservative side.  But sometimes Republicans and especially Christian Republicans piss me off.

For weeks I've been getting e-mails from some New Mexico Republican group updating my on the Legislative session.  This is funny for a number of reasons, most prominently that I do not live in New Mexico.  I asked to be taken off their list, but to no avail.  I knew they were asking people to fight against Domestic Partnerships among other things, but I don't live in NM so I didn't respond.  That it, until today.

Today I got the following e-mail, I've only included a portion of it.

"A special message from Former Lt. Governor Walter Bradley

To All,
  Once again all of you entered the fight for our Lord's law and gave Him Victory!
   This year we brought victory to our Lord by defeating "Domestic Partnership"--Same Sex marriage, Embryonic Stem Cell research and Same Day Voter Registration. This is Great News for all of us but make no mistake the war is not over. Our opponents are attempting to turn their cause for marriage into a "civil rights" issue. Nothing really new to us but does mean we must step up our winning strategy and do our proper research in order to continue to turn away the devil.
   This is also an election year...all New Mexico State Representatives are up for election as well as our U.S. Congress Representatives and state wide Offices. You need to ask every candidate how they stand on our moral issues. Ask them "Do you support Domestic Partnerships?  Do you support marriage as between a man and a woman? Do you support the sanctity of Life? Do you support Embryonic Stem Cell research? Are you a Christian?"  Candidates who seek public office should not object and YOU should ask!
    United as God's Army we are unbeatable!
    Thank You for standing with the Lord,
           Walter Bradley
      Frm. Lt. Governor NM"

REALLY this is a victory to our Lord?  I really don't think God cares about Same Day Voter Registration!  Seriously God cares about when voters have to register to be able to vote?  But of course that's not what angered me the most.

What angers me the most is the fact that these people thing this is a victory for God.  I'm pretty sure God doesn't care about what legislation passes.  So I wrote a letter back, I don't know if anyone will get it, so I thought I'd post it here as well.  Here is my response:

Dear Mr. Bradley,

I don't know if this e-mail will get to you or not, but I wanted to address you.  I am a Christian, I was raised in the church from birth and I think I have a healthy, if not perfect relationship with our Lord.  I was raised conservative and although I find myself more of an Independent I lean more to the conservative side.  But I felt I had to respond to this message.

For some reason, although I live in Texas I've been getting the e-mails about the NM legislative session.  I haven't really cared about it, and asked to be taken off the list, but never was.  For some reason I opened this message and could not believe what I was seeing.

Do you really feel it is a victory for our Lord that you defeated Domestic Partnerships, Stem-Cell Research, and Same Day Voter Registration? Is this really what you think God wants us to put our time and effort into?

What if instead of paying Lobbyists to fight gay marriage and stem cell research, you had taken all of that effort and money (which I assume is in the millions) and put it into something productive like helping the poor and homeless or reaching out to share the Word with others?

Maybe what God really wants is us to do is love others, not prejudice them and create more hate in this world.  There's too much hate and prejudice in the world for Christian to spend their time creating more.  Jesus spent his time with the sinners.  Maybe instead of spending your time trying to keep homosexuals from getting married, you should be spending the time loving them and letting them know that you love them for who they are, God's creations.
 Travis Tidmore

Seriously, think how much better this world could be is we just loved each other, rather than causing more prejudice and animosity.
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