So I've got a new obsession. I've seen these around in Target for awhile but I've never got one, but they are the cutest things and as I was looking for something for my new cubicle at my internship so I broke down and bought two Mighty Muggs. I got Wolverine and Human Torch and they now reside on my desk.
I've always loved Wolverine (Anyone who reads comics and says they don't enjoy him is probably a liar) but I'm not a huge Fantastic Four fan. I do however enjoy Human Torch a bit as he's a pal of Spider-Man's and usually pretty funny. Also the Human Torch Mighty Mugg is the coolest looking thing ever with his opaque, firey hair. Trust me he's pretty Awesome!
Also cool is the fact that all Mighty Muggs are made from "100% Recycled Awesome" at least that's what the packaging says. Below is the next Mighty Mugg I've got coming via mail (for my son Owen as he's named after one Peter Parker)
And a look at some other's I'd like to own (feel free to get them for me :) )
Cut for Pics, sorry for not doing that before and exploding your friends page.
Good Day!