The Class!

Sep 18, 2006 12:11

So tonight the new Television Season Officially Starts. I could tell you to watch Studio 60, because it's great but everyone is going to be saying to watch that so I don't feel the need to talk about it. But I do have another recommendation, The Class.
The Class is CBS' new sitcom being paired with How I Met Your Mother (The best sitcom of last season, i would argue Earl is not a sitcom, but just a comedy so don't start on that point) I've seen the Pilot and was at the Taping of Episode 2 and I laughed quite abit. But I will admit it's not as funny as How I Met Your Mother, Friends, or any of the sitcoms that pop into your head. But don't let that stop you from watching. It's got several great characters (although a couple are annoying, the others make up for it)
But don't let the shortcomings of the first few episodes deter you.
Why, you might ask, should I keep watching a show that's not AMAZING from the first episode? Because if you don't, and don't convince others to do the same, the show will probably be canceled.
Why, you're asking yourself again, do I care if a show that's not AMAZING gets canceled? Because shows these days don't get a chance, if they don't do well for a couple of weeks they're gone. And that matters because if you look back at some of the best shows ever on TV you'll see that most of them didn't hit their stride for several episodes, and in some cases several seasons.
Go back and look at the first season of Friends. The first couple of episodes were not that great compared with the rest of the show, they were slow to build the characters and make the show what we all remember it to be.
Do the same with Seinfeild. This show was brillant, but it didn't really hit it's stride until season 4. Season 1 was only a few episodes and wasn't anything to brag about, and the 2nd and 3rd seasons although better weren't the "Show About Nothing" we all came to know and love.
If you want something more recent look at The Office. Luckily NBC gave it a chance and it's become brilliant, but it's first couple of episodes left something to be desired.
So I'm saying please, give The Class a chance for a few weeks and see if it's someting you could like. Stick with it a while, you never know it may just be the new Friends.
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