This unfortunately took a while to get too. D: And I apologize for that but putting my apologies aside, I am superexcited to be in the game especially with this guy here. I'm bringing in mister Cloud Strife here from the end of Dirge of the Cerberus, where he's not as emo/angsty/however you would like to view it from Advent Children. His intro will be put up at some point today, but I do look forward to plotting off everyone in the game~
A little bit about me now. I work as a full-time pharmacy technician and work a lot. But always willing to plot when I do get the chance to do so. I'm usually on sometime in the afternoon and REALLY late nights/early mornings. But if you can't reach me during these times you can always feel free to email me at deanssammy@gmail.com, im me at a little bit anal, or reach me on my plurk