Hello everyone,
I have a few OOC notes to touch upon about the next Heads of State meeting. As suggested by the Marquis in his latest
mooglenet post, the next meeting will be hosted at his new home at the Muruc Cashuac Skysea. This meeting will focus mainly on how to thwart Garland and Kuja, but issues regarding Kefka will also be addressed later on, but the emphasis will be strongly focused upon the villainous duo. Here, both the moderators and other players can introduce whatever idea their muses have in defeating Garland. As announced by the Regent, “It’s Go Time” so that means that the Heads of State participants have to come to some kind of a overall agreement regarding how to deal with Garland.
In addition, I would like everyone to introduce other ideas for the group to discuss about here so we have a solid outline of what is going to happen. As for the meeting itself, I am thinking about doing it via AIM style so we can get it done quickly and efficiently.
However, I want us to agree on date and time for the meeting as well.
I’ve picked for May 31st to be the day of the meeting, while the time for it will be 1:30 PM(EST)
If this doesn’t fit well with anyone date or time wise, please tell me now so I can adjust it. We have the meeting earlier or later in that week of June, but we cannot push the meeting no later than June 6th since mundanes will be taking off by then. Please be mindful of that. I would like to hear everyone’s input about this schedule and the overall discussion outline just to make sure we all understand what is happening.
Thanks for your time, and please list any concerns, suggestions, questions below.