Feb 09, 2010 15:54
Regent Cid Fabool IX
Played by: Pied
Residence: Lindblum Grand Castle
Ruler of Lindblum, Regent Cid is a wise and benevolent leader, a brilliant mind and a technical genius. Even if he does say so himself. True, his eye for the ladies did lead to him being turned into an oglop by his wife, Lady Hilda, but he doesn't like to talk about that. He'd much rather talk about the new and exciting technology that his researchers are discovering every day since the arrival of the Sky People. For example, it's thanks to Cid and his team that Sky Phones were invented. He also works tirelessly to ensure the rehabilitation of Sky People all over Gaia, and because of that Cid is seen as something of a world leader. Now, if only his adopted daughter Eiko would stop running off, he might actually have time to make sure that Gaia runs smoothly...
Cid will post Sky Phone upgrades, as well as responding to world events in Gaia.
Played by: Pied
Stiltzkin is the world famous travelling moogle. Famous among moogles, that is. Their admiration for him knows no bounds. "Stiltzkin is amazing, kupo!" "I want to be like Stiltzkin when I grow up, kupo." "Stiltzkin knows everything, kupo!" Of course, he doesn't know everything, but Stiltzkin has been travelling for a long time and chances are that if there's somewhere in Gaia he hasn't been, it isn't worth visiting. With the arrival of exciting new locations to explore, Stiltzkin is off on his travels again, intent on exploring every new place that Gaia has to offer. If you encounter him on the road, don't forget to trade him some gil so that he can continue his journey.
Played by: Pied
If you ever need a quick bit of assistance, Moguo's your moogle. Just play that Moogle Flute and he'll come running straight away, no matter where you are in the world! What's that? You don't have a Moogle Flute? Well, tough. Moguo's a busy moogle, he doesn't give out flutes to just anyone. And if you do have one, make sure you stay on his good side by not calling him too often. You don't want him to start sharpening his knife, do you?
Moguo is also a fun-loving moogle. Look out for him showing off Gaia's latest events and attractions.
Minister Artania
Played by: Pied
Residence: Lindblum Grand Castle
Regent Cid's loyal minister, Artania is the guy you talk to when the Regent is too busy. Courteous, patient and long-suffering, he handles all the background work that Cid doesn't even realise exists. Look out for his announcements on the current state of Gaia.
Doctor Tot
Played by: Pied
Residence: Treno
A friendly old scholar who taught Queen Garnet as a child, Doctor Tot can be found in his tower residence in the city of Treno. Should you wish to learn more about Gaia, Tot is happy to share his wisdom. Don't be put off by the fact that he has whiskers.
Reis Duelar
Played by: Amy
Residence: Figaro Castle
An unfortunate maiden who had been cursed by a corrupt clergyman, Reis is best known in some circles as being the dragon sleeping atop Figaro Castle. Rumor has it that the curse has been lifted and she's been returned to a human form. However, this Dragonkin is anything but human, as dragon blood flows in her veins. She's wary of humanity, but possesses a pure and gentle spirit. There must be something to her heritage, as she is well-versed in the lore and locations of many worlds. She may be shy and take a while to warm up to you, but she's willing to help anyone who comes in peace.
Played by: Pied
The legendary Gilgamesh, you say? The master card player? That dodgy-looking guy with four arms? Yeah, that's him. Known as Alleyway Jack in Alexandria, and by various aliases elsewhere, Gilgamesh likes to maintain an air of mystery. He recently discovered a new way of making money from gullible idiots... erm, interested spectators: Blitzball! For only a small fee, you can download videos of the latest Blitzball games straight to your Sky Phone! Gilgamesh will also regularly post updates of match results during Blitzball season.
Played by: Pickle
The rat prince of Burmecia, Puck is as mischievous as ever. He's not what you'd call a typical royal, neglecting his duties in favour of travelling the world and being a literal street rat. He is fiercely loyal to his kingdom, however, and will return to protect it if need be. Recently, Puck has appeared at a council meeting, taking his rightful place as a Head of State and flagrantly ignoring all decorum in the process.
Played by: Amy
Residence: Black Mage Village
Aw, isn't he cute? Vie is one of the black mage children living in the Black Mage Village with the Genomes.
Update: Since the locations merge in January 1805, Vie has vanished forever.
Played by: Amy
Residence: Matoya's Cave
Sometimes a hermit can be the best source of information. Dwelling in solitude in a cave east of Oeilvert, Matoya maintains a watchful vigil over the world through her seeing eye. She keeps to herself, but welcomes visitors, especially those seeking something lost. People say she's a witch, but most only find an old woman who holds untold secrets.
Treno Auctioneer
Played by: Pied
Residence: Treno
The arrival of the Sky People has done wonders for business at the Treno Auction House. Many strange and foreign artifacts turn up there... Just don't ask how the auctioneer acquired them. He's not a man of many scruples. Once a month, the auctioneer will host an auction online, so make sure you check it out. There just might be an item you recognise.
Lindblum Knight
Played by: Pied
The knights of Lindblum are dedicating to protecting and serving their people. They will post requests on the hunts board when a particularly awkward monster turns up to terrorise people.
Alexandrian Soldier
Played by: Pied
Alexandria's army is all-female: the women run the show in this realm. Highly efficient and organised, they are led by the famous General Beatrix, who is renowned for her fearlessness and skill in battle. They will post requests on the hunts board when a particularly awkward monster turns up around Alexandria.
Anima's Fayth
Played by: Amy
Residence: Madain Sari - Eidolon Wall
Anima is a unique combination of statue, spirit and summon. Once the wife of Maester Jyscal Guado, she relinquished her soul to become the Final Aeon for her son Seymour. Her fayth statue materialized within the sanctum of the Eidolon Wall in the uninhabited ruins of Madain Sari. With her unique ties to the afterlife, she provides insight to the pulse of the world as well as wisdom for summoners seeking her aid.
Played by: Pied
Residence: Black Mage Village
A Genome originally from the world of Terra, Mikoto was the third Genome to possess a soul, after Kuja and Zidane. She was created by Garland as a possible replacement to carry out his wishes should Kuja or Zidane fail. After the destruction of Terra, Mikoto was brought to Gaia. She now lives in the Black Mage Village, where she takes care of her fellow Genomes and black mages.
Played by: Amy
Residence: Unknown
Very little is known about Garland currently. Most people don't even know he exists. Some claim he's a fabricated scapegoat for the late Queen Brahne's warmongering. Only a small handful know who he is and his intentions for Gaia. There are people claiming to be from The Void who hold more knowledge about him.
Played by: Amy
Residence: Unknown
After the Terra expedition, the travelers came back with stories of a new Genome, Garland's newest Angel of Death, Lufene. She is cold and calculating with a taste for destruction. Where she is now, nobody knows, but she could be the biggest threat the world has ever seen. If she ever quits admiring herself long enough to cause trouble.
Dah Vis and Hana Kohl
Played by: Amy
Residence: Fields of Fum / Varies
These Selkies, originally hailing from Leuda now make their home base in Fum, when not on the road adventuring. They're more than happy to talk about their days spent in search of myrrh, although they're really more interested in traveling and having fun. Travelers on the roads may find them lazing under trees or singing and dancing by a fire. Sometimes they might even have items to trade, but let the buyer beware: like all Selkies, they look out for themselves first. There's a reason the Selkie tribe has a reputation for being thieves.
Dr. Aki Ross
Played by: Panda
Residence: Dollet
A researcher of bioetherics, Aki arrived from a devastated Earth just freed from the Phantom Menace. She herself is just recently healed of a terminal Phantom infection and through that process has learned more than she realizes about the life and death cycle that impacts every world. She holds a deep belief in what she calls the "Gaia Theory" and is actively trying to unravel how that relates to this world Gaia.