May 29, 2010 01:18
Gang Violence Rocks the Docks
Written by Zap Bushwick
A deadly shootout took place yesterday in Abantiare's warehouse district. Police are still investigating the incident, but preliminary reports suggest that at least one Grinder gang was involved:
"Our investigation is still underway, so I can't comment in depth," Police Chief Brennan told us, "but it looks like we may be looking at gang warfare between Grinders, or between Grinders and another group, either over territory or property."
When asked about rumors that participants in the shootout had been disguised as Abantiare police officers, Brennan declined to comment, saying that it was "too early in the investigation" to say anything like that.
Calculations of the death toll are proving difficult, as each gang appears to have taken their fallen with them. However, this is only one such violent incident. Over the past few days the warehouse district of Abantiare has faced a rash of break-ins and thefts, and just recently they have begun to erupt into violence. On top of some minor property damage, there have also been several civilian casualties from both targets and those caught in the crossfire.
There are estimated to be at least half a dozen Grinder gangs currently active throughout Abantiare. They practice extreme body modification, and are generally regarded as a menace. They were inspired by renegade technologist Doktor Sleepless, whose pirate radio broadcast they still tune into on a regular basis.
the abantiare gazette,