Apr 11, 2009 09:49
Citizens of the Badlands, can there be any denying that we are already at war? Can there be any doubt that Vohemar and Ivona will continue their senseless acts of aggression against our territory? Are we truly without recourse? Will we never see justice for these vicious and repetitive crimes?
The answer is no. The answer can never be anything but no.
It has now been little over a month since the death of our brothers in Doma and the only suspect set free, since the 4423 nearly sent a trading ship below the clouds and since we declared our independence from the interference of Vohemar and Ivona. Yet, our borders are continually violated by pirates!
Not content to only raid Ivonian vessels, the Scarlet Wench and the fearless Captain Magentabeard took down another neutral vessel. The Winding Way has been a friend of the Badlands since her first flight, and although she still flies she is badly damaged. We cannot deny that this is the work of lawless pirates and Vohemaros.
Can we doubt that the Winding Way and others like her must join with us? We must push back, we must fight, we must give everything we have so that we may gain everything we want. Freedom for the Badlands. Freedom from the tyranny of Ivona. Freedom from the lawlessness of Vohemar.
My brothers and sisters we are the Badlands. We are already free, all that remains is to make sure the dogs to our east and jackals to our west learn that lesson. If we must teach it to them over and over again, we will. And if we must bloody them to prove we are for true, we will.
badlands radio,
joseph falls,