just something to think about...yeah, it's long, but please read it

Nov 23, 2005 23:40

something to think about:
by the time most of you read this, it'll be thanksgiving...i'd just like to apologize to anyone who i've hurt at any point, and i'd like to say thanks to everyone, for everything...and some of you may think you have nothing to be thankful about...you should be glad that you are able to think for yourself, cause there are many people who can't...you should be happy you have a family and a house to go home too, even if it isn't the nicest house ever or even if you do dislike your family....at least be glad they are around to dislike... i'm thankful for everything that i have been blessed with, even things that i've not been so happy with...i've been through some incredibly tough times this past year, but i've fought through it with the help of my friends and family, but mostly by the grace of god...don't get me wrong, because your help has been very crucial and i greatly appreciate it, but without god's grace none of us would be here today...i know all of you have something to be thankful about...and i know that this is a long message, but if you take the time to read, and i know all of about 2 of you will, just think of all the blessings given to you in your life and help others think about it too, and even if you can't think of anything, just remember god is there, he put you in this world with a purpose, and he won't take you out till you fulfill that purpose...
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