Aug 23, 2004 17:42
yesh well i haven't updated in a long time and since it twas the first day of school and i am at goppy's i figured now would be a good time. i have a bitch for a english teacher i miss ms.torpey she was the best... plus she was so cute. i have all my main courses in one day and my electives in the other.
1. algebra 2- Hu, L.
2. AVID- Payne,F. (wOOt! cool teacher, plus he was the first adult person i came out to)
3. US/Va History- Schill
4. Tech. Theatre- Barker, S (tech. good... Barker bad.)
5. English 11- Kelly(*cough* bitch)
6. Weight training and cond.- Powers(awsome guy)
7. Physics- Dunkar(rookie teacher...heh)
those are me classes and yesh.
OMG yesterday i went with my mother and her boyfriend to take his mom out to lunch for her b-day and he saw a huge SUV with a rainbow gold sticker on the back and was like"look they're gay" and we drove past the car and of course it was this lady(majorbutch-theres no prob with that). he said "as long as they don't try adopting kids i'm ok because i think thats something really confusing for a kid to grow up with. omg i was about to kill him from behind the seat. if my mother was there i would have with out a doubt. then we ate at this cool Irish pub and they have tables outside for you to eat so when we walked out there was this table with four ladys that i picked up on my gay-dar and i through a hand up to them as they nodded to me. when we were pulling out of the parking lot he saw their car with a rainbow stripe ont he backa and a equal rights sticker. "look another one they're all over". thats right bitch we're all over the place god i hate that guy. i want out, i need out. bah...
anyhoo me and gabbi walked to Perk's Cafe and hate BLTs and coffee. that was fun but it was hot as ass outside. i can't wait til i get my truck. i should be getting some cash this weekend so i can cut my hair and buy some shit for school and i think i might color my hair or get it straightened. then... i am gonna start packing some stuff i dunt want m mom to take and store it at m dads til i can move it b/c i may move or summet like that. then depending on how that goes i may sell m guitar and amp and lap top, get a new lap top and yesh.
today was cool i guess i got to see everybody at school, but i still have to go home at the end of the day so life is still a bitch. my mom is throughing away m shit and she called my dad and told him to tell my aunt cindy and my grandmother to stop buying me jeans. shirts, and shoes, that shes gonna start throughing away my clothes and MAKING me dress like a "girl"(a straight one)
but i say no!!! i dunt like the shit she likes and plus i just feel out of plac wearing that shit. Carlos got back from Ireland yesterday to come to school today, and all me friends have graduated.:( Everyone is gone... wtf. i dunt have a Elena to give my tomatoes to at lunch. and everyone that is left has B lunch and i have
well my human i own that gave birth to me is making diner so i have to leave and go back the straight house. buh byes