(no subject)

Apr 18, 2009 15:49

I just moved and I'm so tired and I want to take a nap but I can't because I'm washing my bedding at my old house and my bed is no longer here, and even if it was... I'm washing my bedding.

I'm really excited for the new place, though. After we finished moving my parents bought me some flowers for my balcony. I still don't have a TV stand or coffee table, but I'm not too worried about that because I don't watch much TV anyway. I'll post pictures once I have things unpacked and arranged how I want them. I might just be lazy tonight and crash at J's, though, because I honestly don't feel like doing anything else moving-wise and I haven't really spent any time with him in ages. Hopefully he'll want to come over tomorrow while I unpack.

Yesterday he did go with me to buy a microwave from someone on Craigslist, because Tricia got me all freaked out by telling me about this Craigslist killer on the East coast. She got the story totally wrong and told me some guy was killing girls who bought furniture from him when it was really just somebody killing hookers (and there's nothing new about THAT), but she told me this while I was emailing the microwave man so I got kinda freaked and made J go with me. The microwave man turned out to be very amiable and not at all murderous, though, so it was fine.

I keep having these nagging thoughts that I should go to law school, which is I think only because every time the thing I have planned to do with my life starts to become real, I freak out and change my mind. But I do genuinely think I would be good at law school and practicing law in some capacity. Lord knows it would make my father proud, and in some ways it would satisfy my own pride by having a prestigious intellectual career. Even I don't really value the profession of librarianship, so I don't really think I can do it for life, and if I were to pursue something that would require additional schooling, I would want to do it while I'm young. The cons are, of course, that I have no idea how I would pay for it, and if I started as a 1L in fall 2011, which is the earliest I think I could go because I think I should probably work as a librarian for at least a year, right, I would be 28 when I graduated, which isn't OLD, but I think it's older than a lot of people in law school and... I don't know. Why did I go to library school? Bleh. I think I might be the most indecisive person ever. Who's to say that even if I did go to law school that that would be the end of it? What if in 3L I decide I want to be a doctor, or an accountant? It could happen.
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