I'm feeling narcissistic...

Feb 17, 2009 21:39


Like happenings, I keep getting tagged in these on Facebook but don't want to share this kind of stuff with people like some girl I had class with one semester, or some dude I met at a party once, so instead I will share it with the TOTAL STRANGERS that are my LJ friends. Makes sense, right?

1. I am probably the most indecisive person you will ever meet
2. Because I can always see both/multiple sides of an issue
3. And I am really easygoing (some would say apathetic), so a lot of times I genuinely don't care where we go for dinner, for example.
4. I'm good with words. Yeah, I write okay, but more than anything I get a lot of people telling me that the words I use to describe things are perfect. Ex. Me: That's so... pedestrian. Someone Else: YES THAT IS THE PERFECT WORD TO DESCRIBE IT.
5. I probably have like 50 pairs of shoes, but I only ever have about 4 in rotation at a time.
6. I was a fat kid. The ~transformation~ happened when I lost some weight right before I was going into high school, but really before that I don't think I was nearly as fat as I felt like I was. I still feel like a fat kid sometimes.
7. My favorite food is probably pizza. If that makes me seven years old, so be it. I don't get sick of it.
8. I'm studying to be a librarian but I already know I don't want to be a librarian forever.
9. I constantly revise my life plans because I am terrified of being a real grown up.
10. I can't tell if I've gotten dumber in recent years or just less ambitious.
11. I have a scar under my chin from getting stitches when I was four. I jumped in the bathtub, slipped, and split my chin open. I think it gives me a more pronounced double chin, but that is probably just me being neurotic.
12. I have never done drugs and probably will never do drugs because they don't appeal to me at all.
13. I am generally dissatisfied with my level of accomplishment in life
14. Because there are so many things I want to learn, such as languages, how to play instruments, geography (I'm really terrible), etc...
15. But I feel like I don't have time because I have to put so much effort into school, which I don't like. I don't like that I'm wasting my time doing school instead of learning fun things, and I also literally don't generally enjoy my classes.
16. But I love my grad school friends. They are the nerdiest people I've ever met and also some of the awesomest. Yeah, I have to endure a lot of discussions about Buffy, Star Trek, and LOST, but we get some pretty good banter going and I laugh a lot with them.
17. I'm pretty terrible at keeping in touch with friends/family when they're not around. It's not for lack of affection, but I am very awkward on the phone and always feel like I have to have news or there's nothing to talk about, so my far-away peeps usually get weirdo e-cards, facebook wall posts, texts, etc... from me.
18. I LOVE PUNCTUATION! I use a lot of dashes and parentheses, and of course (see above), ellipses.
19. Speaking of my chin again, I have this one coarse hair that grows out of the bottom of my chin. I've had it for years, and I always have to pluck it. I'm glad it's still only one, though.
20. I also have a slight cleft, since we're still on the topic of my chin. I like to think it makes me look distinguished.
21. I have never broken a bone...
22. Probably because I have never been very active. I played one season of JV volleyball in 9th grade but other than that, no sports or anything for me. (I also drank copious amounts of milk as a child.) <--That is a bonus fact!
23. I work out very intermittently. I will go to the gym a lot for a few weeks and then not go for months. Sometimes I stop going because I get really busy, and sometimes it's for pretty much no reason, even if I've been going a lot and feel really good about myself because of it.
24. I don't have many passions in life (see #3), but the only one I really do have is learning. If I were ever to get a tattoo, it would be "Ancora Imparo," a quote from Michelangelo that means "I am still learning."
25. But, I might cut a bitch if I read the phrase "lifelong learning" in the library literature one more time.
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