If you're bored, enjoy my rantings

Oct 02, 2012 00:24

I think I'm insane. It must be a 'too many x chromosomes' thing... Passed on from female to female to keep us second guessing ourselves. Or maybe it's a learned behavior, that society imposed on me early on before I knew that a talking bat teaching me how to count wasn't normal.

Either way mood swings are bizarre. They take over no matter what- they're what make the birthday girl hide from her party... Or was that just me?

And then God said, let man create birth control pills. I'm not even on those anymore and still I remember the withdrawals I went through coming off those. Messed up. Talk about mood swings.

Nothing can be 100%. You take the good, you take the bad, and there you get the facts of life, am I right?

Besides. What self loving male wouldn't buy a ticket to the messy roller coaster that was created from Adam's own rib? (Okay, I won't get started on religion...but now I'm picturing some dude named Adam riding a creepy coaster built from rib bones.)

All in all I guess me freaking out single isn't any different from me freaking out with a boyfriend. I just was getting more lovin which couldn't have hurt. I'm enjoying having my options open; I'm missing the feel of his hands.

After rereading this I've confirmed my lifelong dream of never becoming a writer. Not quite clever enough. But I kinda want a blog. But one that only strangers could read. Ill call it... Writings of a Person With No Reason to Complain. Subtitle: Spoiled Bratattack Who Thinks Tendinosis and One Asshole Who Wants to Be FWB Make For a Solid Reason to Feign Depression.

A nonfiction.

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