Mar 30, 2004 22:39
today i watched a gardener. she ripped up her little white fence, and started taring up her grass. she removed all of the natural plants and put in some dainty flowers. after long labor she went to put the fence back but had a problem fitting it back on, so she broke the fence but found that she still couldn't fit the fence. after long fighting she fixed it to fit. then she proceeded to pull all of the pretty flowering weeds from along the house.
"why do you pull some plants but leave others?"
"because they are weeds"
"but they are all plants"
"yes but i don't like them all"
"is that fair? every thing has a right to live."
"but i don't like these weeds"
after watching her work i had a lot to think about so i handed her her rake and walked away.
was she wrong, or unjust in being selective.