Somebody Distract Me From Internet Trolls

Oct 30, 2012 20:34

Give me a ship and I’ll tell you ( Read more... )

odds and ends

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tidal_race October 31 2012, 04:15:50 UTC
Who cooks: Steve usually, because between growing up in depression era Brooklyn and missions with the Howling Commandos he can make something with just about anything, there's no such thing as leftover night because he turns it into a new dish. And now that he has steady income and a kitchen he can experiment because he wants to, not out of necessity. At first it drove Maria nuts that nothing had recipes, but Steve find it relaxing, and hey, food. Every once in awhile Maria plans out a dinner though and does the cooking. She makes Steve stay of the kitchen though because he's always trying to fuss with what the recipe tells her to add.

Who does the laundry and other chores: They each take care of their own gear and generally pick up after themselves so there's never a big mess. The dishwasher gets loaded right away and they alternate on the bathroom.

How many children do they have: None(yet? ever?). It's been brought up but never really talked about seriously. Neither of them is sure if they want children.

Who’s more dominate: It's a balance. It depends on a dozen factors in any given situation.

Favorite nonsexual activity: Scenic motorcycle rides. Maria has her own bike, but sometimes she likes to ride behind Steve and just let everything go. And no, she did not have anything to do with Tony's security clearance going haywire the day after he made a joke about her riding bitch. Really, there's no proof.

Their favorite place to be together: At home, curled up on the couch.

Any traditions:

Their “song”:(hmm, I'll have to come back to this)

What they do for each other on holidays: Little gifts. They don't make a huge deal, but there's always a little decoration or two and some holiday appropriate food and drink.

Where did they go for their honeymoon:

Where did they first meet: At work. ;)

Any pets: No. It just wouldn't work with their jobs. But sometimes Steve walks the dog for the older lady down the hall. And Maria would like to have a cat again someday.

What do they fight over: They have a lot of "heated debates", but they try not to fight during what rare free time they have. It has taken Maria awhile to get used to having somebody in her space all the time though. And Steve has had to learn that if he's going to eat the last of something that she bought or was a group item without asking, he needs to replace it.
Do they go on vacations, if so where: There's a little cabin in upstate New York that they like. Unfortunately, they're both always on call, so it can be hard to get away and know they won't be interrupted.


tielan October 31 2012, 04:59:00 UTC
LOOOOVE. And may possibly write. :D

Change "where did they go for the honeymoon" to "they attend Tony and Pepper's wedding together: what happens (paparazzi, bucks/hens nights, pranks, crises, whatever)".


tidal_race October 31 2012, 08:35:31 UTC
If you want to write anything, go for it. Lol

I'm just glad that it said favorite non-sexual activity because Maria taught Steve this thing with his tongue and the student has surpassed the master. Steve would have been very embarrassed if I shared that. Maria would have just grinned smugly at you.

Actually this was a little tough to write because I'm in a different Steve mindset right now, but I gave it my best shot.

*I will now use one of my icons ironically.


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