So, it's 9:20. The seven deadly sins challenge at TV Realm is due in forty minutes. I am Annoyed, because I just found out screencaps for the episode I was going to do for sloth don't exist, and it's too late to come up with a new quote/scene. (Each picspam has taken 40 minutes -> an hour. Would've been able to swing it if the caps had existed, but since they don't, y'know.)
Aaaand no partial points. So, all for naught. sigh.
I am happy with how some of them turned out, so I thought I'd share them anyway.
Seven Six deadly sins, Heroes-style.
Making these was kind of bittersweet, lol. As those who have been chatting with me can testify, it brought up all of those "HEROES YOU COULD HAVE BEEN GREAT DESPITE YOUR STUPID" emotions. Also, apparently I still have ~wounds from its treatment of Adam, rotfl.
Also, for the record, Eden's quote is from the Heroes comics. I totally did not add all those exclamation points, I just transcribed it as it was >_>