Dec 13, 2004 20:48
Currently: in adam johnson's new room in mod 84 in prescott. none of you know what any of that means. righteous. adam and I are wearing matching sweaters. this is important. it signifies our eternal love for sweaters. we're pretty keen on each other also. friendship sweaters. key. I never use the word keen because of how all of those "clever" people like to make puns on my stupid name.
I just said "Okay I think I'm going to update my livejournal."
Adam's line: "Are you serious? Do you do that often?"
updating livejournals is a gross activity that should be associated with self fisting and ben wah balls. also cute diseases like yeast infections. this is all according to adam's expression.
so currently in adam's room in this organizational process we have put up three of the iron maiden posters on his walls, and one on the living room wall. playlist: best of the beast.
it smells like bathtub in here.