Jan 28, 2004 10:53
My my my, this week has turned out to be alot more eventful than I thought it would. After going to volleyball yesterday, which Sara N. and I both agree that it SUCKED, I went to sams for the afternoon, and then I went to ym friend Justin's house for awhile. Might I tell you I had a great day. The snow was "bitchin" and the pizza was great, even if it did take me like an hour to eat it all.
Anyway, I don't know what to do today. I could just sit here and brood but that would be a waste of a perfectly good day. Then again...I live in the middle of nowhere and theres nothing I CAN do anyway. BLAHBLABLABBBLAHHHHHHH!!!!!
I hate boys, they're so unpredictable. One minute they can be the nicest things in the world, the next they're an asshole (and no I'm not referring to anyone in particular) and then they're nice again and they act as if they didn't insult the hell out of you. And they NEVER apologize, it's like they never did an damn thing wrong. I hate it sooo much. I never know what I do wrong. Am I really that bad of a person? And then what I hate most is my inability to turn away from them, and I feel like I need their friendship to live another day, like I would be lost without it, and I hate that I can't back down. I hate that I can't find out a way to be strong without them. It's easier to be alone I think, you can't get hurt that way but you never know what it's like to love and be loved in return, even if it's by your friends. No girl really NEEDS a boyfriend, we can live easier without them, all they bring, in the end, is pain, devastation, you name it. Some people think you grow stronger with every failed relationship, and that you learn a lesson, but I think that every time you fail to be what a guy wants you to be, you lose a small part of yourself. Not necessarily to them, but it's lost anyway, leaving you that much smaller every time you realize you can't ever be as good as they want you to be. This isn't really from my own personal experience, but more of what I see around me. In the end, it is very simple. Women aren't the confusing ones, guys are. You can never really predict what they're going to do, or say, unless they want something from you. They bring what every girls wants, and what every girl dreads.
Is it possible for your teeth to be itchy? I never though so until now, and now that they're itchy, I can't fuckin scratch them bcuz I have my braces on. GRAARRR!!!!